


Digraphs | Let's Learn About the Digraph th | Phonics Song for Kids ...

Learn about the digraph "th". A digraph is when two letter sounds or phonemes combine to make one sound or phoneme. When the /t/ sound combines with the /h...

TH Digraph Sound | TH Song and Practice | ABC Phonics Song with Sounds ...

This animated phonics song helps children learn the sounds of the digraph TH in English. A digraph is a combination of two letters representing one sound. Bo...

Th (digraph) - Wikipedia

Th is a digraph in the Latin script. It was originally introduced into Latin to transliterate Greek loan words. It was originally introduced into Latin to transliterate Greek loan words. In modern languages that use the Latin alphabet, it represents a number of different sounds.

The TH Sound | Phonics Video | Scratch Garden - YouTube

The TH Sound phonics video teaches the correct English pronunciation of the TH letters. The TH sound is a very important consonant digraph! Like our videos? ...

Pronunciation of English th - Wikipedia

In English, the digraph th usually represents either the voiced dental fricative phoneme /ð/ (as in this) or the voiceless dental fricative phoneme /θ/ (as in thing).Occasionally, it stands for /t/ (as in Thailand, or Thomas).In the word eighth, it is often pronounced /tθ/.In compound words, th may be a consonant sequence rather than a digraph (as in the /t.h/ of lighthouse).

Pronunciation: The English "th" - Learning English Online

In comparison to the voiced th, the voiceless th is pronounced by making more air flow. Its place of articulation is dental. However, in contrast to /ð/, the sound is pronounced with the blade of the tongue resting against the lower part of the back of the upper teeth. The tip of the tongue sticks out of the mouth slightly.

The TH sound Up Close and in Slow Motion - Rachel's English

This TH is unvoiced, and the tongue tip always has to come through for an unvoiced TH. Plus, this word is stressed. Let's watch the whole phrase again. TH in than, tongue tip not coming through. TH in thought, tongue tip coming through. There are a lot of really common words that will usually be unstressed, that begin with a voiced TH.

How To Pronounce 'th' In English - Speech Active

HOW DO PEOPLE MISPRONOUNCE 'th' So, what sounds to non-native speakers tend to make instead of 'th'. There are a few different ways that people pronounce (or mispronounce) 'th'. This depends on what their first language is. 1. Problem - using /t/ for unvoiced 'th' / θ/ and /d/ for voiced 'th' /ð/

4 Tips For the Th Sound + Practice Exercises! - San Diego Voice and Accent

The TH sound is in the words the, think, breath, and mother. The TH in the is the voiced TH, meaning the vocal cords vibrate when you say this sound. TH, TH. The. This is the IPA symbol for the voiced TH sound: /ð/. The TH in think is the voiceless TH, meaning there is no vocal cord vibration - just airflow as you make this sound. TH.

Digraphs/ Voiced-Unvoiced/ Th and th / Consonants/ Phonics Song

This is a fun, digraphs phonics song for learners of English. A colorful, animated music video to learn how to pronounce the voiced/unvoiced "Th/th" sounds.C...
