
[java程序题] int i=9,j=8,m=10,n=9; if(i<j||m--<n)i++;else j


下面语句执行完后,m的值为( ). int i=9,j=8,m=10,n=9; if(i<j||m--<n) i++; else ...

下面语句执行完后,m的值为( ). int i=9,j=8,m=10,n=9; if(i

Declaring and Initializing Variables i, j, and n in Java

LANGUAGE: JAVA. CHALLENGE: Assume that the int variables i and j have been declared , and that n has been declared and initialized . Using for loops (you may need more than one), write code that will cause a triangle of asterisks of size n to be output to the screen. ... ( i =1; i<= n; i++) { for(j = 1; j<= i; j++) { System.out.print ...

Java Incremental operator query (++i and i++) - Stack Overflow

Since sample1 and sample2 are just modifying their own local variables i and j (not those of the calling method), it's clearer if we rewrite them without those modifications:. private static int sample1(int i) { return i; // was 'i++', which evaluates to the old i } private static int sample2(int j) { return j + 1; // was '++j', which evaluates to j after incrementing }

若已知int i=8,j=10,m,n;请写出执行如下语句m=++i;n=j--;后变量i,j.m.n的值

解析:m=++i,表示先给i加1,再赋值给m,则这个表达式计算完后,m和i都为9, n=j--,表示先赋值给n,后对j减1,计算完后,n=10,j=9; zhangjie3535 你的回答改得真快啊!

{int i,j,m,n; i=8; j=10; m=++i; n=j++; printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n",i,j,i++ ...

就是前置++和后置++的区别,前置是本身的值也变,传递出的值也变,后置是本身的值不变化,但是传递出去的值是+1后的一份 ...

int main () { int i,j,m,n; i=8; j=10; m+=i++; n-=--j; printf ("i=%d,j ...

定义了个整型变量:i、j、m、n,并初始化i为8,j为10。 2. 执行m+=i++,先将i的值8赋给m,然后i自增1,此时i的值为9,m的值为8。 3. 执行n-=--j,先将j自减1,此时j的值为9,然后将j的值9赋给n,此时n的值为9。 4. 使用printf函数输出结果,格式化输出i、j、m、n的值。 5.

What does the condition "if (n/10)" with integral n specify?

n/10 will not shift the decimal number since n is an integer. The division will produce the result like this: if n = 25, then n/10 would be 2 (without any decimal points), similarly if n = 9, then n/10 would be 0 in which case if condition would not be satisfied.. Regarding the +'0', since n%10 produces an integer result and in putchar you are printing a char, you need to convert the integer ...

程序段:i=8,j=10;printf("%d,%d,%d,%d\n",i,j,++i,j++);其结果9,10,9,10. - CSDN文库

定义了个整型变量:i、j、m、n,并初始化i为8,j为10。 2. 执行m+=i++,先将i的值8赋给m,然后i自增1,此时i的值为9,m的值为8。 3. 执行n-=--j,先将j自减1,此时j的值为9,然后将j的值9赋给n,此时n的值为9。 4. 使用printf函数输出结果,格式化输出i、j、m、n的值。 5.
