Fast and easy MAC address lookup on IEEE directory and Wireshark manufacturer database. Search vendor, manufacturer or organization of a device by MAC/OUI address. Fast REST API
OUI Lookup Tool. The Wireshark OUI lookup tool provides an easy way to look up OUIs and other MAC address prefixes. It uses the Wireshark manufacturer database, which is a list of OUIs and MAC addresses compiled from a number of sources. Directions: Type or paste in a list of OUIs, MAC addresses, or descriptions below.
About MAC Lookup. Our MAC address lookup tool utilizes a vast database of MAC addresses and vendor names. When you enter a MAC address, our tool searches for it in the database and provides you with the associated vendor name.
Discover which company built a networked interface by MAC Address. Several formats accepted: 00-1C-23-59-5A-92, 001c23595a92, 00:1C:23:59:5A:92 Partial searches are accepted: 001c, 2359:92 Uses several databases including NMAP, IEEE Official List, Wireshark Info, and more. Never know what else may show up ;)
Enter a MAC address (or OUI) to lookup the device manufacturer, including city, state and zip code. Search across a public database of 30,000+ vendors!
Yandex finds anything: webpages, images, music, good. Solve any problem — from everyday to a scientific one. Search by text, voice or image.
MAC address (Media Access Control address) is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller (NIC) for use as a network address in communications within a network segment. This use is common in most IEEE 802 networking technologies, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth. A MAC address consists of a sequence of six pairs of hexadecimal digits separated by colons, such as "00: ...
By a given MAC address, OUI, IAB, retrieve OUI vendor information, detect virtual machines, manufacturer, location, read the information encoded in the MAC, and get results regarding any MAC address, OUI, IAB, IEEE.
MA-L. An MA-L (MAC Address Block Large) assignment includes an OUI and large blocks of EUI-48 and EUI-64 values which can be used as MAC Addresses, Bluetooth Device Addresses, Ethernet Addresses or object identifiers.
Want to identify the device by its MAC address online? Enter the full MAC address or just the first 6 hexadecimal digits. Our MAC address finder supports most of the common formats such as 00-10-fa-c2-bf-d5, 00:10:fa:c2:bf:d5, 0010.fac2.bfd5, 00 10 fa c2 bf d5, or 0010fac2bfd5.