《经济学人》精读36:Luxury goods
《经济学人》精读36:Luxury goods. Richemont, the world's second-biggest luxury firm, bets on digital. Its offer to buy YNAP, a leader in online luxury sales, looks likely to be accepted ... Last year Richemont's revenues dropped by 4%, to €10.6bn. But online sales of personal luxury goods have continued to rise: they now account ...
2023.12.31《经济学人》节选双语精读【商业篇】解读 ... These account for around two-thirds of luxury-goods sales, according to Deloitte, another consultancy, and nine of the world's ten most valuable luxury brands, according to Kantar, a market-research firm. Bernard Arnault of LVMH, a European luxury goliath, is the world ...
精读笔记来源于:自由英语之路. 本文翻译整理: Irene本文编辑校对: Irene. 仅供个人英语学习交流使用。 【补充资料】(来自于网络) 珍妮·林德(Jenny Lind)是19世纪著名的瑞典女高音歌唱家,被誉为"瑞典夜莺"。她于1820年出生在瑞典,从小就展现出了音乐天赋。
Luxury brands used to speak in monologues. News about their latest collections flowed one way—from the boardroom, via billboards and editorial spreads in glossy magazines, to the buyer. ... He and Viya, a fellow influencer, flogged $3bn-worth of goods in a day, half as much again as changes hands daily on Amazon. ... 《经济学人》精读 ...
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《经济学人》精读1- Purchasing powder ... But whereas daigou in America and Europeprocure mainly luxury goods for their customers—a function of high Chinese tariffs—in Australia they buy mainly vitamins, food and beauty products.And whereas luxury brands see daigou as a menace, undercutting sales in China, Australian firms have come ...
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Luxury goods Add to myFT. Thursday, 12 December, 2024. Chanel SAS. Chanel names Bottega Veneta's Matthieu Blazy as new creative head. Luxury house makes first external hire to the role since ...