中世纪2全面战争 medieval2.preference.cfg
medieval2.exe @mymod.cfg 2. Copy and paste the medieval2.preference.cfg file, rename the copy to mymod.cfg, and add this to it: [features] mod = mymod (it also helps to set this file to read-only as otherwsie the changes seem to be lost) 3. Create a new folder inside the Medieval II Total War folder called mymod.
The easiest way is create a file with the entries underneath, simply paste it into notepad and then "save as" medieval2.preference.cfg with the 'all types' setting, to placed into the root folder of the game: [audio] enable = 1 master_vol = 100 music_vol = 60 provider = Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio sfx_vol = 100 speech_enable = 1 speech_vol ...
请看 medieval2.preference.cfg 设置翻译 medieval2.preference.cfg 在安装目录内 用记事本打开编辑。 每一行为一个选项 =号后面1为打开效果,0为关闭效果,右边空格后括号里的为解释。 "1"表示"是","0"表示"否". [audio]音频 enable = 1音效开关 master_vol = 100主控音量 music_vol = 66音乐音量
I'm playing on W10 and I need to edit medieval2.preference.cfg. The problem is that I can't find the file in the game folder or in the AppData folder. < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Lodovico. Dec 2, 2016 @ 11:12am Originally posted by moon knight: I'm playing on W10 and I need to edit medieval2.preference.cfg. ...
我找不到这个东西,我想要有援军~~~可是援军不上来,我在游侠论坛看到"Medieval II Total War 中2下面 medieval2.preference.cfg 把相应的改成 unlimited_men_on_battlefield = 1"请问下怎么搞我没有找到~~~谢谢大虾!
medieval2.preference.cfg 在安装目录内 用记事本打开编辑。 每一行为一个选项 =号后面1为打开效果,0为关闭效果,右边空格后括号里的为解释。 "1"表示"是","0"表示"否". ... 中世纪2全面战争:迦太基侵略[图文攻略]
[心得] 中世纪2 Medieval2.preference.cfg ... 于 2012-10-15 20:44:48 | 显示全部楼层 | 阅读模式. 本帖最后由 gofun99 于 2012-10-15 20:53 编辑 手动更改中世纪2:全面战争设置,请回覆为了JJ2厘米!谢谢!
中世纪"mediev.."1"表示"是","0"表示"否". [audio]音频 enable = 1启动 master_v ... 中世纪"medieval2.preference.cfg"文件的中文详解 ... anisotropic_level = 2各向异性级别 anti_alias_mode = off antialiasing = 0抗锯齿 assassination_movies = 1暗杀动画 autodetect = 0自动探测 battle_resolution = 1024 768战役 ...
中2文件夹下面 medieval2.preference.cfg 文本打开在最后一行添加 windowed = 1 保存关闭 右键属性设置为只读 如果不设置只读,退出后下一次玩又变成全屏的了 ... 2016-09-09 中世纪2全面战争之王国国家全开补丁怎么装 2