


为什么greengrocer后面要加s? - 百度知道

为什么greengrocer后面要加s? at the greengrocer's (shop)'s是所有格,后面省去了名词shop,在口语中经常这样省略。 再如: at the barber's 在理发店at Mary's在玛丽家


同学你好~ 这个's是所有格。 the+职业's,表示这个职业工作的地点 the greengrocer's 蔬菜水果店 the butcher's 肉店 (butcher 屠夫) 祝同学学习进步~ 版权申明:知识和讨论来自课程: 《英语零基础直达大学六级【爆款特惠班】》 的学员和老师,如果想了解更多,可以 ...

there is / there are (greengrocer's) | WordReference Forums

There is a greengrocer in my neighborhood. There are many greengrocers in my neighborhood. Using greengrocer's as short for greengrocer's shop, if you must, the plural would be greengrocers' shops unless one greengrocer owned multiple stores: the greengrocer's shops. We don't use "greengrocer" in the USA, we say "produce market".

"greengrocer's" 和 "greengrocer" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

The 's at the end is used to show something that belongs to the greengrocer. Whatever word came after "greengrocer's" would be something he owned. The greengrocer's smile. The greengrocer's hours of operation. The greengrocer's second location. All these things belong to the greengrocer.

Were you at the butcher's?后面为什么要加's,是什么意思?_百度知道

加's表示在某人的家里或店里,是一种所有格的表达方式。 Were you at the butcher's为你刚才在肉店里吗? i was at the greengrocer's为我在水果店,we are going to stay at my mother's,我们打算呆在母亲家里。

I must go to the grocer's.为什么grocer要加's? - 知乎

grocer's 就是表示人的名词的所有格用来表示地方的用法。类似的常见用法 the doctor's, Jack's等等 . 不过,现在用grocery store/shop比较多,grocer's用的比较少了吧。或者我接触北美英语比较多,不知道英式英语是否有不一样。

"greengrocer's" 和 "greengrocer" 的差別在哪裡? | HiNative

The 's at the end is used to show something that belongs to the greengrocer. Whatever word came after "greengrocer's" would be something he owned. The greengrocer's smile. The greengrocer's hours of operation. The greengrocer's second location. All these things belong to the greengrocer.

"Greengrocer's" 和 "Greengrocery" 和有什么不一样? | HiNative

"Greengrocer's [shop/store]" is what it means. Greengrocery is the "correct" (more formal) word. Many people use this construction for grocery stores. The store names may be Aldi, Fred Meyer and Food Lion, but some people will call them Aldi's, Fred Meyer's and Food Lion's (or, Aldis, Fred Meyers, and Food Lions).

the greengrocer 和the greengrocer's 各是什么意思? - 百度知道

the greengrocer 和the greengrocer's 各是什么意思?蔬菜水果商和蔬菜水果店

Were you at the butcher's?后面为什么要加's,再如i was at the greengrocer's.we are ...

这里出现的是一个所有格的省略. 当所有格后面是家,住所,医院,办公室的时候,可以省略地点. 如:at Lily's= at Lily's home 's表示所属,也就是所有格,
