刂 (eum 도 (do)). This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{}}.
拼音: dāo 注音: ㄉㄠ简体部首:刂 部首笔画:2 总笔画:2笔顺:竖竖钩五笔86:JHH五笔98:JHHUniCode:U+5202四角号码:22000笔顺编号:22仓颉:LN
However Indexing Component No 22 刀 is a complete character means knife, as it mentioned, ⺈ and 刂 are 刀's alternative form. Therefore, we know that indexing component could be a complete character or some stroke(s), including alternative forms such as 亅 and ⺈. But why we need to recognise indexing components? Let us talk about ...
Stroke order of the right component form 刂. Radical 18 or radical knife (刀部) meaning "knife" is one of 23 Kangxi radicals (214 radicals total) composed of 2 strokes.. When appearing at the right side of a Chinese character, it usually transforms into 刂.
Mostly from Richard Sears' Chinese Etymology site (authorisation), which in turn draws data from various collections of ancient forms of Chinese characters, including: Shuowen Jiezi (small seal),; Jinwen Bian (bronze inscriptions),; Liushutong (Liushutong characters) and; Yinxu Jiaguwen Bian (oracle bone script).
部首 18 刂的圖片 刂 ( 刀部 +0畫,共2畫, 倉頡碼 :中弓( LN )或難中弓( XLN ), 四角號碼 : 2200 0 , 部件組合 : ⿰ 丨 亅 ) 衍生字
刀部出現於右側時通常變形為「刂」,俗稱立刀旁、提刀旁。一字的主體可辨認為刀部或字體右側為「刂」,且無其他部首時歸為刀部。 简化字部首中,刀部的附形部首除了「刂」以外还有「⺈」,后者俗称斜刀头。
刖 (Kangxi radical 18, 刀+4, 6 strokes, cangjie input 月中弓 , four-corner 7220 0, composition ⿰月 刂) cutting off feet as form of punishment; Derived characters [edit]
哏(漢語拼音:gén;粵音(粵拼):gan1;注音符號:ㄍㄣˊ),又稱為笑點,原義指滑稽的言詞或動作 [1] [2] ,後衍生成一相聲術語,指相聲中的笑點;現今也用來指任何情境中的笑話。 在互聯網文化中,「哏」常指代「網絡迷因」。 在現時的中國大陸互聯網,「哏」字有時被訛化為更為通俗常用 ...