发如雪 歌词的英文翻译!
发如雪 歌词的英文翻译!发 如 雪 Hair Like Snow狼牙月 伊人憔悴lang ya yue / yi ren qiao cuiA crescent moon, my loved one is waned and sallow 我举杯 饮尽了风雪wo ju bei / yin jin le feng xueI r
妳发如雪 纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁 红尘醉 微醺的岁月 我用无悔 刻永世爱妳的碑. 你发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁 邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美 你发如雪 纷飞了眼泪 我等待苍老了谁 红尘醉 微醺的岁月. 妳发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁
Jay Chou - 发如雪 (Fà rú xuě) [Hair Like Snow] 翻译:Hair Like Snow. 歌词翻译. 热门歌手; 中文歌词; 英文歌词; 歌手; 周杰伦 - 发如雪 (Fà rú xuě) [Hair Like Snow] 歌词翻译. ... 我用无悔 刻永世爱妳的碑 你发如雪 凄美了离别 ...
发如雪 词:方文山 曲:周杰伦 狼牙月 伊人憔悴 我举杯 饮尽了风雪 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非 缘字诀 几番轮回 你锁眉 哭红颜唤不回 纵然青史已经成灰 我爱不灭 繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶 你发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁
繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶. of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands. I only take one scoop to bear in minds. Obsessed with the butterfly. flapping in your after life. 你发如雪凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁. Hair flowing, snow falling, It takes beauty and sorrow to make a parting.
周杰伦Jay Chou《发如雪Hair Like Snow 》中英文歌词 Chinese & English Lyrics{{狼牙月 伊人憔悴我举杯饮尽了风雪是谁打翻前世柜惹尘埃是非缘字诀 几番轮回你 ...
繁华如三千东流水 我只取一瓢爱了解 只恋你化身的蝶 Of thousands of waters bustling to East, I take one scoop of love to taste, Obsessed with the butterfly Fluttering from your fairy life. 你发如雪 凄美了离别 我焚香感动了谁 邀明月 让回忆皎洁 爱在月光下完美 Your moonlit hairs, white as snow
弱水三千,只取一瓢饮 发如雪 听了杰伦最后那段即兴的"啦儿啦",就以为这是一首很"任性"的歌?你太肤浅啦!其实,这首歌的歌词才是比逼格更有逼格的存在,其中的用典俯拾即是,或出自《诗经》、或引自《红楼梦》,时不时还能看见李白诗歌的影子。
歌词英译:发如雪 狼牙月伊人憔悴 我举杯饮尽了风雪 A crescentmoon, cold and gray, Is when my fair lady pines away A cup in my hand, Downing snow and wind of all kind 是谁打翻前世柜 惹尘埃是非 who upsets my former life stirring up dust and ...
繁华如三千东流水我只取一瓢爱了解只恋你化身的蝶 of all the bustling waters flowing east in thousands Regret-it-not is the memorial ever carved in my heart. I only take one scoop to bear in minds Obsessed with the butterfly flapping in your after life. 你发如雪凄美了离别我焚香感动了谁 Hair flowing, snow falling,