
哪个网站可以查到,B C RICH电吉他序列号真伪?


Understanding the serial number on your B.C. Rich Guitar

When distribution came back to B.C. Rich in 1974, a system of serial number coding began using a 5-digit code (XXYYY) with the first 2 digits indicating the year and the last 3 indicating the production number. That would make the first guitar of 1974 to have been numbered 74000, followed by 74001, 74002, 74003, etc. Throughout the '70s ...

How to Date a BC Rich Guitar - Serial Number Decoder

While under the ownership of Hanser, this is the way you would date your BC Rich Guitar: The numbering system is as follows. Each factory is given a number. Numbers were devised for the factory, month of production, year, etc. WMI's number is 08. Below is an example of the number scheme. First is the

Dating Your B.C. Rich Guitar - PMT Online

Dating B.C. Rich neck-through guitars is relatively easy, although slightly imprecise by the 1980's. Beginning in 1972, the first B.C. Rich guitar was stamped 'Proto', and subsequent guitars were consecutively numbered beginning 001, 002, 003, etc. These consecutive numbers ran up to between 340 and 360.

B.C.Rich 吉他历史及经典型号介绍 - bbs.guitarschina.com

下午刚好抽出时间整理一下相关资料,大家一起好好了解了解B.C.Rich吉他吧。所有资料均来源于网络,感谢之前部分资料的提供者。 B.C.Rich 吉他历史及经典型号介绍 1968年,Bernie Rico, Sr.创立了B.C. Rich公司,在之后的4年中制造了少量的Gibson、Fender类型的电吉他。

B.c.rich 吉他编号 序列号 查询资料 - 哔哩哔哩

b.c.rich 吉他编号 序列号 查询资料. 大跃大跃. 2024年03月04日 13:45

Serial Number Registration - B.C. Rich

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B.C. Rich - Guitars

Official Site of the Legendary B.C. Rich Guitars - High Precision Instruments Since 1969

B.C. RICH Acoustic Guitar Models

In the mid-1980s, B.C. Rich moved from Los Angeles to El Monte, California. The company began to import models in the U.S. Production Series, Korean-produced kits that were assembled in the U.S. between 1984 and 1986. In 1984, the Japanese-built N.J. Series line of B.C. Rich designs were introduced, and were built by the Terada company for two ...

B.C.Rich 吉他历史及经典型号介绍-琴龙乐器 - guitarq.com

他的超前设计使BC Rich电吉他在80年代成为了世界范围内最受欢迎的吉他品牌之一,Mockingbird、Warlock和Assassin等著名型号几乎成为了极端音乐的标志。 1999年12月3日清晨,Bernie Rico突发心脏病逝世,B.C. Rich为他推出了纪念型号,同时各大吉他杂志纷纷撰文悼念。

b.c.rich的电吉他怎么辨真假? - 百度知道

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