
帮忙翻译一下,谢了 we have voided the authorization of $




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帮忙翻译一下,谢了 we have voided the authorization of $500 that was placed on ...

帮忙翻译一下,谢了 we have voided the authorization of $500 that was placed on your credit card. 是把钱退给我了,还是扣了500做押金? 展开



汉译英:我们想要的是这样一个certificate of authorization.谢谢

Following details:What we need is the certificate of authorization that your company has authorized us to market your products,which make our customers realize that our company has been approved to the sales. 纯手工翻译,希望你给分啊 不正确我给你分

you have authorization - 英中 - Linguee词典

In response to the evaluation, several country offices have revised annual management plans to specify gender mainstreaming priorities and "gender checks" in authorization and approval processes; others have revised the terms of reference for the role of gender focal points and consultants; some have revised annual work plans to include ...

收到amazon奇怪的警告 - 败家 - 美卡论坛

刚刚下了三四个amazon订单,其中一单JellyCat被取消了,并收到如下邮件警告。 Hello, We have canceled your order and voided the Amazon gift card balance used in the purchase. We took these actions because you tried to use Amazon.com gift cards that are in violation of our terms and conditions. We cannot reissue the Amazon.com gift cards or reimburse you for these funds ...
