我们的抽屉柜也有多种抽屉可供选择。比如,一些抽屉柜会组合小抽屉和大抽屉,一个抽屉柜就可以收纳多种尺寸的物品。 让你的家更安全. 记得把你的梳妆台或抽屉柜固定在墙面上。虽然抽屉柜一般情况下并不存在危险。但如果放满,重量也不容小觑。
抽屉通常作为家具的组成,是一个盒状的容器放置在家具中,使其可以被水平拉出、获取储藏物品的空间。 抽屉的构造分为前板、后板、左侧板、右侧板及底板,板材接合的方式有分为 钉接 、 木钉 接,较特殊的接合方式是 鸠尾榫接合 (一般榫接角度为45 ...
抽屉 - translate into English with the Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
English Translation of "抽屉" | The official Collins Simplified-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Chinese words and phrases.
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 抽屉 with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more information on meaning and use. × Message to trainchinese Please select the reason for your contacting us. Please tell us your feedback as clearly as possible ...
Translation of "抽屉" into English . drawer, locker, drawers are the top translations of "抽屉" into English. Sample translated sentence: 最上面的抽屉里应该有一盒火柴。 ↔ There should be a box of matches in the top drawer.