新晋潮牌Andrew Kayla集舒适和潮流于一身,你不能错过
Andrew Kayla website. 订阅电子报. 订阅获得更多ANDREW KAYLA系列最新资讯
Andrew Kayla Classic is a collection of premium sneakers inspired by the ethos that form follows function. Made using traditional techniques in fine leathers and refined palettes, the collection has been designed for women, as comfortable in the boardroom as they are in international transit.
Andrew Kayla 的小白鞋,有绑带和魔术贴两款设计,加上多个鞋底和鞋跟配色,让小白鞋也能玩出个性火花。 就连近日大火的《乘风破浪的姐姐》中的郑希怡也成为AAR小白鞋"粉丝",在社交平台上为其打call,亲身示范潮流搭配。
Andrew Kayla 是一个当代鞋履品牌,源于一点热忱的火花和一份明确的野心: 要创造出最合身,耐穿和好看的鞋子。 品牌于2016年创立,以两大系列为主轴: Able And Ready (AAR) 1 及 Andrew Kayla Classic 2.
13K Followers, 48 Following, 212 Posts - ANDREW KAYLA (@andrewkayla) on Instagram: ""Sneakers can be Polished" Premium Materials From Free Worldwide Shipping Store: PMQ, Central Discover now "
Discover the lastest Andrew Kayla Sneakers for women, in our two collection: Able And Ready (AAR) and Classic.
Andrew Kayla 是一個當代鞋履品牌,源於一點熱忱的火花和一份明確的野心:要創造出最合身、耐穿和好看的鞋子。 品牌於2016年創立,於2018年推出兩大系列:Able And Ready (AAR) 及 Andrew Kayla Classic。 系列 - AAR Able And Ready(AAR)是Andrew Kayla的首個運動鞋系列。
Andrew Kayla is a contemporary footwear brand for men and women. It was founded with a spark of passion and a straightforward mission: to offer the ultimate shoes in fit, durability and good looks. The brand was established in 2016 and it runs two sneakers collections: Able And Ready (AAR) and Andrew Kayla Classic.
Andrew Kayla是一个当代鞋履品牌,由中国香港和英国设计团队联合打造,传承家族近50年高端手工制鞋的传统和经验,以时尚运动鞋的方式演绎品牌理念。
有这样一个鞋子,就能完美将舒适与潮流融合,随时成为日常搭配的点睛之笔,成了潮流人士的心头好。这个鞋子就是Andrew Kayla。品牌由中国香港和英国设计团队联合打造,自创立以来,品牌一直致力于打造现代简约、低调奢华、舒适耐穿的高级运动鞋履。