有谁知道比octodecillion大的数量单位 之前在词典上最大的能找到octodecillion,表示10的57次方,之后找到了centillion,表示10的303次方,在这之间还有多少英文数量单位,最好把他们都写...
Numbers that are larger than one million are usually either represented using scientific notation, or by words. [1]There are two main ways of using words to write large numbers. The American way or "Short form" for naming large numbers is different from the European way or "Long form" of naming large numbers. This is mainly because of American finance.
長級差制的英文表示是 long scale,譯自法文詞彙 échelle longue,意思是在某數位命名系統中,billion一詞用來表示"一万億",即1,000個million(百萬)。. 短級差制的英文表示是 short scale,譯自法文詞彙 échelle courte,表示的是在某數位命名系統中,billion一詞用來表示"十億",即1 thousand(一千)個 ...
ODc - Octodecillion=10^57; NDc - Novemdecillion=10^60; Vg - Vigintillion=10^63; Class III (UVg (10^66) - Tg (10^93)) [] Unvigintillion = UVg 10^66; Duovigintillion = DVg 10^69; Trevigintillion = TVg 10^72; Quattuorvigintillion = QaVg 10^75; Quinvigintillion = QiVg 10^78; Sexvigintillion = SxVg 10^81;
Depending on context (i.e. language, culture, region, ...) some large numbers have names that allow for describing large quantities in a textual form; not mathematical.For very large values, the text is generally shorter than a decimal numeric representation although longer than scientific notation.. Two naming scales for large numbers have been used in English and other European languages ...
Million: 1,000,000 Billion: 1,000,000,000 Trillion: 1,000,000,000,000 Quadrillion: 1,000,000,000,000,000 Quintillion: 10^18 Sextillion: 10^21 Septillion: 10^24 ...
大部分使用英文的國家 — 美國、加拿大(法文地區除外)、英國、愛爾蘭、澳大利亞等等。 儘管在巴西存在著很多種葡萄牙文的變體,但都把 10 9 寫作 bilhão、10 12 寫作 trilhão,等等。; 在印度通常使用的是印度編數系統,但因為在詞彙上沒有衝突,那裡說英文的人也都能理解短級差系統。
Large numbers are numbers above one million that are usually represented either with the use of an exponent such as 10 9 or by terms such as billion or thousand millions that frequently differ from system to system. The American system of numeration for denominations above one million was modeled on a French system, but in 1948 the French system was changed to correspond to the German and ...
The following table lists the names for extremely large numbers. Many of these are used so rarely that they do not have entries in Wiktionary because they do not meet CFI.Please note that even though the number name is are extremely rare, every number name on this page are considered real from number coining and is officially coined on other websites.
大部分使用英文的国家 — 美国、加拿大(法文地区除外)、英国、爱尔兰、澳大利亚等等。 尽管在巴西存在著很多种葡萄牙文的变体,但都把 10 9 写作 bilhão、10 12 写作 trilhão,等等。; 在印度通常使用的是印度编数系统,但因为在词汇上没有冲突,那里说英文的人也都能理解短级差系统。