求NtResumeThread 函数的原形
NtResumeThread - NtDoc, the native NT API online documentation NtResumeThread - NtDoc Native API online documentation, based on the System Informer (formerly Process Hacker) phnt headers
本文内容. 递减线程的挂起计数。 当暂停计数减为零时,将恢复线程的执行。 语法 DWORD ResumeThread( [in] HANDLE hThread );
SuspendThread() call does not suspend a thread instantly. It takes several time to save an execution context, so that ResumeThread() might be called when a thread has not suspended yet. That's why while (ResumeThread(threadHandle) > 0); works. To determine the current thread state you can call NtQueryInformationThread(), but only in NT versions of Windows.
求NtResumeThread 函数的原形NTSTATUS NtResumeThread(IN HANDLE ThreadHandle,OUT PULONG PreviousSuspendCount OPTIONAL)
NtAlertResumeThread - NtDoc, the native NT API online documentation
本文內容. 遞減線程的暫停計數。 當暫停計數遞減為零時,會繼續執行線程。 語法 DWORD ResumeThread( [in] HANDLE hThread );