
用join together造句?


join together造句_用"join together"造句 - 查查在线翻译

It's difficult to see join together in a sentence. 用 join together 造句挺难的 The two strings are simply joined together 两个字符串简单地连接在一起。 The fence was made of posts joined together with wire 篱笆是以铁丝连接起木桩而构成的。 To join together this man and this woman . . . 让这位男人与这位 ...

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爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供join together的中文意思,join together的用法讲解,join together的读音,join together的同义词,join together的反义词,join together的例句等英语服务。

用join together造句? - 百度知道

用join together造句?你好,很高兴为你解答:1.How does this model boat join together?这只模型船是怎样拼装起来的?以下例句来源于网络,仅供参考2.If we join together, we can almost monopolize the whole mar

join造句-用join造句 - 造句 - 汉语大全 - hanyuall.com

) 9、He has applied to join the army. (他已报名参军。 ) 10、The opened link is used to join the two ends of the chain. (这个开口环是用来连接链条两头的。 ) 11、She beckoned him to come and join them. (她打手势要他来加入他们的活动。 ) 12、The molecules join together to form long strings.

join together中文,join together的意思,join together翻譯及用法 - 英漢詞典

let「s join together to help rebuild these people」s lives with our love. 讓我們一起用愛幫助受災的人們重拾生活。 ordinary people, whose personal well-being and security are assured, join together in huge numbers to save people they do not know, and will never meet.



join例句简单 ,用join造句 - 英语复习网

本文目录 1.用join造句 2.join的用法 3.有关join的词组和用法 4.join的短语和用法 用join造句 我是一个有名的顽童,跟人打架的是我,不做作业的是我,踩上课桌飞跑的是我,把中队旗拿下来玩"斗牛"的还是我。我这么顽皮,可是同学都信任我,因为我非常诚实,是我干的事我都承认。 记得我读三年级时 ...

join造句_用"join"造句 - 查查在线翻译

She tried to join the two pieces together . 她设法把两块拼在一起。 He and jim are joined by two tricksters . 他和吉姆遇到了两个拐子。 The two armies joined forces and marched on . 两军会合后继续前进。 It's difficult to see join in a sentence. 用 join 造句挺难的 They all joined in singing the christmas carols .

join together是什么意思_join together怎么读_join together翻译_用法_发音_词组_同反义词_将…拼 ...

join together怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词join together的释义、join together的音标和发音、join together的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词join together。

joined together造句_用"joined together"造句 - 查查綫上翻譯

用joined together造句和"joined together"的例句: 1. Elements join together to form the other materials of the earth in a variety of ways .元素以各種方式結合在一起形成地球上的其他物質。
