英语流利说 6-2-4
英语流利说 Level6 Unit 2 Part 4 Reading:Global Life Expectancy & Virtual Heaven. Global Life Expectancy. People today are living longer than at any point in human history. Virtually every country enjoys a higher life expectancy than it did in the 19th century. In 1870, the average person could expect to live for 30 years.
Level 6. Unit 1. 1/4. Listening. Lesson 1 Harry's Injury 1-2. Dialogue. Lesson 3 Lovers' Quarrel. Reading. Lesson 4 The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Lesson 5 Survival in the Outback. 2/4. Listening. Lesson 1 Talking about Verbs. Dialogue. Lesson 3 Changes in Life. Reading. Winter in Antarctica: Staying Sane at the Bottom of the World. Chernobyl ...
L6-U2-P4 英语流利说 6-2-4 懂你英语 Level6 Unit2 Part4 L6-U2-P4-1 Listening : Aging Population Aging Population The world's pop... 1.8 14748 4 20
2. One plan relies on the development of nanotechnology. 3. For a futurist like Ray, this would be heaven, a virtual heaven. 4. To exist on the net, your virtual self will have to reside on the computer of a web-hosting company. 5. Tiny transmitters will be injected into the brain to monitor and map its activity. 6.
英语流利说 6-2-4Listening: Aging Population The world's population is growing at a rate of a little more than 1% per year. However, not all segments of the population are growing at the sa ... In 2015, there were 900 million people over 60 and in 2050, the number should be around 2 billion.
英语流利说 Level 6 Unit 2-4 Dependency Ratio音频 In economics, the dependency ratio shows the relationship between the number of people not in the labor force and those in the labor ... In Japan, the ratio increases from 43.6 to 71.8 which is less than double. The life expectancy for Japan in 2050 is predicted to be 93, which is the ...
欢迎收听英语流利说的类最新章节声音" Virtual Heaven"。
作为一个曾经在流利说打过卡的学生,今天来和大家分享下英语流利说的线上课程怎么样。 当时我也是在朋友圈看到身边的人都在分享打卡,这才知道英语流利说这个软件的,而且只要满足他们的打卡条件,学完后还可以返还499的学费,相当于既可以督促自己学 ...
英语流利说我17年的时候就下载过这个app,不过那时候自己基础实在太差,加上上班比较忙,三天打鱼两天晒网似的用过一段时间,后来实在没啥效果给卸载了,后来还是想学英语,又找不到好的方法,又重新下载了这款应用,现在用的人越来越多了,也找到了一些方法,大家都在问英语流利说有用 ...