英语The car had come to a halt怎么翻译?
The car had come to a halt. 意思是: 汽车停下来了。 重点词汇 car 汽车;货车;火车车厢;梯厢;吊舱;战车 come to 发生, 来到;苏醒;突然想起;恢复知觉 halt. 使突然停止;突然停止;跛行;停止行进;暂停;停止;中止;小站;跛的;瘸的. come to a halt.停下来
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英漢例句 「you'd better stop here,」 he said, though she had already come to a halt at the first corner, 「and take the next car.」 「你最好就走到這兒,」他說,雖然她到第一個街口就已停了步,「在這兒塔下一班車。
必应词典为您提供come to a halt的释义,na. 停止; 网络释义: 停顿;停住;陷入停顿; ... I found myself walking to the car, which had come to a halt a few feet from the Stop & Shop building. ... The company had come to a halt, more sober men, as you may guess, than when they started.
英语came to a halt翻译为停了下来扩展资料:halt英[hɔːlt; hɒlt]美[hɔːlt]动词、名词、形容词,作动词时意为"(使)停止,(使)立定;突然停下;完全停止 ... The leading car came to a halt. ... 2021-11-02 英语The car had come to a halt怎么... 4 2011-06-08 the finance system came to a s ...
大家好,欢迎来的饼哥英语的频道,今天我们分享一个非常有用且地道的表达——戛然而止, 这个短语的英文表达是: ... come to a grinding halt 戛然而止. Things had been going well with the new project, but when our manager was fired, everything came to a grinding halt. ... A car will come to a ...
the car suddenly stopped.The car suddenly stopped - the car has come to a halt or stop because of various circumstances The car stopped suddenly - this sounds a little off, the order is a bit weird that's all you could say "Suddenly, the car stopped"的同义词
halt用法及短语-(火车在车站停留了一会儿。 ... #### **c. Come to a Halt:** - *例句:* The car came to a halt at the traffic light. ... "Halt"是一个常见的英语单词,作为动词和名词,有多种用法和短语。下面将深入探讨"halt"的不同用法以及相关短语。 ...
The other is how quickly the car can come to a halt when it is required to do so. 另一个是如何快速车可以 告一段落 时它需要这样做。 It now appears that the cycle of interest rate increases has come to a halt , as the economic growth in the United States appears to be slowing down.