With $1500 you should be able to get a much better build then, take a look as this 7700/7700X Build for reference.. The 7700/7700X performance is great for 1080p, there's not a single game where you wouldn't have great performance with it.Games that would reach the framerates necessary for a 240Hz monitor, the 7700/7700X would also handle it.
一、前言现阶段,如果选择AMD Ryzen 9000系列处理器装机,毫无疑问,性价比最高的型号是Ryzen 5 9600X。但是,部分朋友可能有强迫症,总觉得六核处理 ...
RTX 3060 benchmark with Ryzen 7 3700X at Ultra Quality settings in 81 games and fps benchmarks in 1080p, 1440p, and 4K. Find out the RTX 3060 equivalent, with a review of specifications, price, RTX 3060 framerate comparison, RTX 3060 rank, and CPU bottlenecks.
Yes, the 3060 for 1080p is a good sweet spot. There'll be a few more demanding games (Like Cyberpunk) where you might need to drop settings down a little to hit > 60 FPS, but otherwise you should probably be hitting 100+ FPS @ 1080p in most games, so a 1080p 144Hz monitor or so would be a good match for that CPU + GPU combo.
amd锐龙处理器经过几轮调价后,性价比更加突出,今天笔者再为大家带来一款锐龙r7-1700x的电脑配置清单,整机性能满足各类大型单机网游不成问题,包括时下非常流行的gta5 h1z1 大逃杀。 不多说,先来看配置单 锐龙r7-1700x搭配gtx1060游戏电脑配置清单及价格
Cpu 基准规格和测试 AMD Ryzen 7 5700X vs. AMD Ryzen 7 1700 - Geekbench 5, Cinebench R20, Cinebench R15 and FP32 iGPU (GFLOPS)
Cpu 基准规格和测试 AMD Ryzen 7 1700X vs. Intel Core i7-6700K - Geekbench 5, Cinebench R20, Cinebench R15 and FP32 iGPU (GFLOPS)
第一步是先对比两款处理器的性能。当然,Core i5-14600K的性能肯定是优于Ryzen 5 7600X的,研究的重点在于这种差距,尤其是最终反映到游戏这种应用 ...
AMD Ryzen 5 3600和AMD Ryzen 7 1700x之间的区别是什么?在中央处理器排名中看看它们的总体表现,了解哪一个才是更好的选择。
Intel Core i5-10600和AMD Ryzen 7 1700x之间的区别是什么?在中央处理器排名中看看它们的总体表现,了解哪一个才是更好的选择。