



腾讯QQ,全新版本QQ9上线了! QQ9,不仅是轻松聊天,更是兴趣社区的聚集地。欢迎下载体验最新版本QQ,体验最新功能!欢迎访问QQ官网,下载新版QQ,了解QQ最新功能就在im.qq.com。

I'm QQ - 每一天,乐在沟通 - 腾讯QQ



QQ邮箱,为亿万用户提供高效稳定便捷的电子邮件服务。你可以在电脑网页、iOS/iPad客户端、及Android客户端上使用它,通过 ...

QQ Windows版-轻松做自己

QQ Windows版 全新升级。沟通更便捷,功能更全面,不一样的QQ为你而来。

Tencent QQ - Wikipedia

Tencent QQ (Chinese: 腾讯QQ), also known as QQ, is an instant messaging software service and web portal developed by the Chinese technology company Tencent. QQ offers services that provide online social games, music, shopping, microblogging, movies, and group and voice chat software.

QQ - Apps on Google Play

----- QQ · Happy communication ----- √ Serving more than 90% of mobile Internet users √ Multi-person video and file transmission between multiple ends, continuous innovation to meet the needs of communication √ Committed to creating a joyous communication, entertainment and life experience -----The main function----- · Chat messages: send and receive friends and group messages anytime ...


腾讯网从2003年创立至今,已经成为集新闻信息,区域垂直生活服务、社会化媒体资讯和产品为一体的互联网媒体平台。腾讯网下设新闻、科技、财经、娱乐、体育、汽车、时尚等多个频道,充分满足用户对不同类型资讯的需求。同时专注不同领域内容,打造精品栏目,并顺应技术发展趋势,推出 ...

User Login | QQCatalyst powered by Vertafore

On May 2, 2016 each user will have to have their own unique login credentials. Users can no longer share the same credentials. If you have questions, or would like to purchase additional licenses, simply click here, or contact QQCatalyst Sales at 1.855.977.2228.


欢乐麻将全集(手游) 麻将是中国的国粹游戏,一直以来深受国人喜爱,《欢乐麻将》使用最正宗的国标玩法,对局畅快、刺激的纯3D游戏。《欢乐麻将》采用了中国风的美术风格,临场感强,动画细腻流畅,赏心悦目。


QQ.com is a comprehensive internet media platform offering news, social media, and various services.
