求骆驼英文简介A camel is an even-toed ungulate within the genus Camelus, bearing distinctive fatty deposits known as humps on its back. There are two species of camels: the dromedary or Arabian camel ... 2007-05-24 骆驼英语简介 10 2010-12-09 骆驼祥子英文简介 63 2007-07-17 用英语介绍骆驼的特点``` 45
骆驼英语简介偶蹄目(Artiodactyla) 骆驼科(Camelidae) 骆驼属(Camelus)成员一向被称为"沙漠之舟",共有两种。单峰驼(C.dromedarius)和双峰驼(Camelus bactrianus )。 骆驼生有浓密的眼睫毛,鼻孔有瓣膜
骆驼 - translate into English with the Chinese (Simplified)-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
单峰骆驼毛短,主要生活在北非洲和西亚洲、印度等热带地域,生活在沙漠地带的牧民以骆驼奶甚至骆驼血作为食物,目前全世界只有1400万头,全部是家畜.19世纪末澳大利亚曾从非洲引进部分单峰骆驼,后来由于不再应用役畜,只向中东出口,大约有3200头散落到澳大利亚 ...
2003年全球骆驼数量分布图. 虽然今天单峰驼仍约有1千3百万存活,但是野生物种已经濒于灭绝。用于家畜的单峰驼主要见于苏丹,索马里,印度及附近国家,南非,纳米比亚和博茨瓦纳。. 传统理论认为现代骆驼的祖先4千5百万年前生活在北美,有可能体型巨大,没有脚趾,在大约3百万年前才横渡至 ...
n. 骆驼;浮船箱;驼色. 复数:camels. camel直接源自拉丁语的camelus,意为骆驼。 双语例句: The camel is a herbivorous animal. 骆驼是一种食草动物。 扩展资料: 近义词. 1、llama 读音:英 ['lɑːmə] 美 ['lɑːmə] n. [动]美洲驼,无峰驼;驼毛织物. The llama is related to the camel.
骆驼的英文简介(要简单)Camels are even-toed ungulates within the genus Camelus. The dromedary, one-humped or Arabian camel has a single hump and is well known for its healthy low fat milk, and the Ba ... 2007-05-24 骆驼英语简介 2007-07-17 用英语介绍骆驼的特点``` 2013-11-18 骆驼祥子英文简介 2012-12-17 用 ...
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