
...++a > b++ ? a++ : b++; printf("%d%d%d",a,b,c);


c - printf ("%d %d %d\n",++a, a++,a) output - Stack Overflow

a++ means "do something with a, and then increment it afterwards". ++a means "increment a first, then do something with the new value". In your particular Example, printf evaluates a++ first, reads 10 and prints it and only then increments it to 11. printf then evaluates ++a, increments it first, reads 12 and prints it out.

Execution of printf With ++ Operators in C - GeeksforGeeks

Explanation: Usually, the compilers read parameters of printf() from right to left.So, 'a++' will be executed first as it is the last parameter of the first printf() statement. It will print 10. Although now the value has been increased by 1, so the second last argument, i.e., will print 11.

what will be the output when following code is executed? - Examveda

Solution(By Examveda Team) Step 1: Initialize a with the value 10. Step 2: Declare b without initialization (the initial value is undefined). Step 3: Evaluate a++ (post-increment): - The current value of a is 10. - After evaluating a++, a becomes 11. Step 4: Evaluate ++a (pre-increment): - ++a increments a to 12 and returns the updated value, which is 12. Step 5: Sum the values obtained in ...

Output of C programs | Set 52 - GeeksforGeeks

We know that a++ is post increment and in post-increment we first assign then increment.when first time while loop execute, while(0<5) the printf function contains \\n which acts as a backslash escape character. Therefore it prints 0\n in the first loop, 1\n in the 2nd loop, 3\n in the 3rd loop and so on. ... { int a = 5, *b, c; b = &a; printf ...

c语言基本运算符问题 *a++ = *b++ - CSDN博客

int a=1,b; b = (a++)*(++a); printf("b=%d", b); 作为C语言初学者,笔者一直弄不明白自增运算符到底是怎么运算的,一段时间里只能跟着书本所说的死记硬背"运算符在变量前(++a)则先自增,再参与运算;运算符在变量后(a++)则先参与运算,再自增加1."如上代码,当a=1时,b的值为多少呢?

C Input/Output: printf() and scanf() - Programiz

In this tutorial, you will learn to use scanf() function to take input from the user, and printf() function to display output to the user with the help of examples.

Output of C programs | Set 41 - GeeksforGeeks

QUE.1 What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code? #include int main() { int a = 5; float b; printf("%d ", sizeof(++a + b)); printf("%d ", a); return 0; } (a)2 6 (b)4 6 (c)2 5 (d)4 5 Answer : d Explanation: ++a +b = 6 + Garbage floatin

c++ printf ("%d " , (a=a+1,a+b,b+1));} printf ("%d " , (a=a+1,a+b,b+1 ...

引用shine1991的回答: printf("%d " ,(a=a+1,a+b,b+1)); 输出的是逗号表达式a=a+1,a+b,b+1的值,而逗号表达式的值由最后一项决定,且由于逗号运算符是顺序点,之前的每一项需按照自左向右的顺序一一运算,所以实际打印的值是b+1的值

printf("%d,%d",b++,++b); 对于printf的一些理解,以及前++后++_c语言基础代码print里b+++含义-CSDN博客

+a与a的结果均是计算结束后a的值,而a++保存的是当前a的值,这也是为什么a++的值为2的原因。再对a++运算进行入栈,先赋值后运算因此a的值也为2。但是之前进行了自加运算,赋给a++ + ++a中的第一个a,也就是相当于原式变成3++ + ++a。最先入栈的++a的a的值也变为了5。先执行++a运算再执行a++运算最后再 ...

principle of programming language - 1. Practice sessions ... - Studocu

1. Practice sessions: Experiment No: - Date:-1) a. Write a simple program that prints the results of all the operators available in C (including pre/ post increment, bitwise and/or/not, etc.).
