...Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen这首歌的来历,以及翻译?
God rest ye merry gentlemen被誉为最古老的圣诞颂歌之一。 据传,该颂歌最早可追溯到15世纪,是在圣诞季节由城镇的巡夜人为贵族们演唱的,以用来获取额外的收入。 不知道原作者究竟是谁,但此歌一直在英格兰地区口耳相传。 此歌最早发表于1833年出版的一本名为《Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern》的节日 ...
《先生,願主賜給您們歡欣》(英語: God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen ),或譯《快樂的上帝》、《天賜歡樂》、《神賜喜樂歌》 [1] 是英國經典的聖誕頌歌,它是16世紀或以前最古老的現存頌歌之一。
God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen", also known as "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen", is an English traditional Christmas carol. It is in the Roxburghe Collection (iii. 452), and is listed as no. 394 in the Roud Folk Song Index. It is also known as "Tidings of Comfort and Joy," and by other variant incipits.
The historic meaning of the phrase "God rest you merry" is 'may God grant you peace and happiness'; the Oxford English Dictionary records uses of this phrase from 1534 onwards. It appears in Shakespeare's play As You Like It and the phrase "rest you merry" appears in Romeo and Juliet; both plays date from the 1590s. The ditransitive use of the verb rest in the sense "to keep, cause ...
若參照 Wiki 上的說明,我個人是比較傾向於「先生,願主賜給您們歡欣」這個譯名。這首歌,也常常寫成 "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen",但 Wiki 上面說這是不正確的寫法。這是一首古老的耶誕頌歌,在 1833 年於英國正式出版前,至少已經流行了好幾世紀。
《God rest you merry gentlemen》(愿主赐予你们平安)被誉为最古老的颂歌之一。据传,该颂歌最早可追溯到15世纪,是在圣诞季节由城镇的巡夜人为贵族们演唱的。此歌最早发表于1833年出版的一本名为《Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern》的节日宗教颂歌的合集。这一古老的颂歌直到今日仍然在英格兰各城镇 ...
The incipit, "God rest you merry gentlemen," needs some interpretation; in the English of the day, the meaning was "God keep you merry gentlemen" (Dearmer, 1928, p. 27). Exact origins of the carol are difficult to trace, as it has appeared in collections from many places in England including broadsides - large pieces of paper printed ...
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen was first published in 1833 when it appeared in "Christmas Carols Ancient and Modern," a collection of seasonal carols gathered by William B. Sandys. The lyrics of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen are traditional olde English and are reputed to date back to the 15th century although the author is unknown.. It is believed ...
The hymn God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen is over 500 years. The song we sing today has a completely different meaning then at the time it originated. The hymn is one of the oldest known Christmas carols. Over the centuries, times and meanings have changed. The song we sing today does not have the same meaning that it did to […]
God rest ye merry gentlemen被譽為最古老的聖誕頌歌之一。 據傳,該頌歌最早可追溯到15世紀,是在聖誕季節由城鎮的巡夜人為貴族們演唱的,以用來獲取額外的收入。 不知道原作者究竟是誰,但此歌一直在英格蘭地區口耳相傳。 此歌最早發表於1833年出版的一本名為 ...