


2K8M: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure - RCSB PDB

2K8M; PubMed Abstract: Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are key regulators of cell proliferation, differentiation, tumor-induced angiogenesis and migration. FGFs are essential for early embryonic development, organ formation and angiogenesis. They play important roles in tumor formation, inflammation, wound healing and restenosis.

2K8M: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure - National Center for ...

2K8M Download: MMDB ID: 70198: PDB Deposition Date: 2008/9/14: Updated in MMDB: 2018/05: Experimental Method: solution nmr. Source Organism: Homo sapiens. Similar Structures: VAST+. Download sequence data: Biological Unit for 2K8M: tetrameric; determined by author. Molecular Components in 2K8M; Label

SCOPe 2.08: Structural Classification of Proteins — extended

PDB entry 2k8m View 2k8m on RCSB PDB site Description: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure Class: protein transport Keywords: Protein-Protein complex, S100A13, C2A, PROTEIN TRANSPORT Deposited on 2008-09-14, released 2009-03-17 The last revision prior to the SCOPe 2.08 freeze date was dated 2012-04-18, with a file datestamp of 2012-04-13. Experiment type: NMR

PDB 2k8m structure summary ‹ Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) ‹ EMBL-EBI

PDBe › 2k8m. Solution NMR. S100A13-C2A binary complex structure. Released: 17 Mar 2009. DOI: 10.2210/pdb2k8m/pdb. Source organism: Homo sapiens. Primary publication: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure-a key component in the acidic fibroblast growth factor for the non-classical pathway.

2k8m - Proteopedia, life in 3D

2k8m. From Proteopedia. Jump to: navigation, search. proteopedia link proteopedia link S100A13-C2A binary complex structure. spin quality labels all models. PDB ID 2k8m. Drag the structure with the mouse to rotate . , , , , , . Proteopedia Page Contributors and Editors (what is ...

2K8M : USSR / Successional Countries USSR (SOV)

Název: Name: 2K8M Falanga-M: 2K8M Falanga-M: Originální název: Original Name: 2К8М Фаланга-М 1): Kategorie: Category: samohybný protitankový raketový komplet

SCOPe 2.04: Domain d2k8ma_: 2k8m A: - scop.berkeley.edu

Domain d2k8ma_: 2k8m A: [242415] Other proteins in same PDB: d2k8mb_, d2k8mc_ automated match to d1byna_ Details for d2k8ma_ PDB Entry: 2k8m (more details) PDB Description: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure. PDB Compounds: (A:) Putative uncharacterized protein.

SCOPe 2.08: Domain d2k8md2: 2k8m D:1-2 - scop.berkeley.edu

Domain d2k8md2: 2k8m D:1-2 [288272] Other proteins in same PDB: d2k8ma1, d2k8mb_, d2k8mc_, d2k8md1: Details for d2k8md2. PDB Entry: 2k8m (more details) PDB Description: S100A13-C2A binary complex structure. PDB Compounds: (D:) Putative uncharacterized protein. SCOPe Domain Sequences for d2k8md2:

3d Pfv: 2k8m - Rcsb Pdb

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2k8m Thursday 12 May 2011. 100th Entry Completed... The Blog. www.2k8m.blogspot.com has sucessfully completed its 100th entry within its first 15 days... Posted by 2k8m at 01:09 1 comment: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Wednesday 11 May 2011.
