
4. It's


html - What is ' and why does Google search replace it with ...

In what language does and - hash - three - nine - semicolon (') represent the apostrophe? I had some website data extracted in JSON format where some of the user comments had apostrophe which

Should I escape the Apostrophe ( ' ) character with its HTML entity ...

(3) Tom's comment on nitro2k01's answer: Encoded. I've got two contradicting answers now. One recommends escaping ' and the other does not. What should I believe? So it goes both ways. However, this page's source code never uses '. All the encodings are of the form '. This is consistent with nitro2k01 and drew's advice not to ...

ELI5: Why do apostrophes appear as ''' on many internet ... - Reddit

So, TL;DR If an apostrophe (') was used instead of the "'", it would be treated as an apostrophe in code, not an apostrophe to be displayed, resulting in many possible issues. The ASCII code ensures it cannot be misinterpreted. (For reference, I have to leave the semicolon ";" out after the ASCII code, or it really just puts an apostrophe in ...

Why does the '&' symbol sometimes show up as '&' in a lot ... - Reddit

In HTML the & sign is a special character. Specifically it got it's start because HTML tags start and end with < and >, so it was decided that to print an ACTUAL < or >, you had to use what's called an escape sequence. In HTML, it's ampersand (&) followed by either a code or a short word describing what you want.

Why does an Apostrophe turn into "'" when restoring a post?

This causes a problem where the ampersand in the HTML entity is itself being turned into an entity - & - breaking the apostrophe entity and giving you &#39; instead. IPB uses third-party software for its editor, so solving an issue like this could require work on their part and/or work on the editor's devs' part.

What does "'" mean? - Discuss Scratch

Don't question it, or should I say, don't question it. Basically I think it's that "'" is essentially a code that stands for an apostrophe, but computers sometimes don't replace it.Yep, this code means an apostrophe in unicode, and I guess that some computers can't show it correctly.

What's the difference between 's and 's? - SitePoint

It's not guessing games, the apostrophe would be at the end of a name. It depends on where the string is being used. With grammar usage an apostrophe s indicates the following article belongs to ...

HTML Predefined Character Entities - Madore

Predefined Character Entities Summary. This table lists the predefined character entities of HTML, derived from chapter 24 of the HTML specification. (Note that the "'" entity is only available in XHTML and not in plain HTML.) For each character, the first column gives the Unicode hexadecimal number of the character, the second gives a sample of the character, the third gives the ...

HTML Character Entities - W3Schools

W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more.

HTML 4.0 Special Entities - HTML Help

A table of the HTML 4 entities for markup-significant and internationalization characters. Special Entities. ... With the exception of HTML 2.0's ", &, <, and >, these entities are all new in HTML 4.0 and may not be supported by old browsers. Support in recent browsers is good. Character Entity
