


CPT ® 65273, Under Repair of Laceration Procedures on the Eyeball - AAPC

The Current Procedural Terminology (CPT ®) code 65273 as maintained by American Medical Association, is a medical procedural code under the range - Repair of Laceration Procedures on the Eyeball. Subscribe to Codify by AAPC and get the code details in a flash.

How To Use CPT Code 65273 - Coding Ahead

CPT 65273 describes the procedure for repairing a laceration in the conjunctiva, the transparent membrane that covers the eye. This article will cover the description, official description, procedure, qualifying circumstances, appropriate usage, documentation requirements, billing guidelines, historical information and billing examples. 1. What is CPT Code 65273? CPT 65273 is used to describe ...

CPT Code 65273: What It Is, Modifiers, Reimbursement - MD Clarity

CPT code 65273, which pertains to the repair of an eye wound, is generally reimbursable by Medicare. However, the specific amount of reimbursement can vary based on several factors including the geographic location of the service provider, the setting in which the procedure is performed (e.g., hospital outpatient department, ambulatory surgical center, etc.), and the Medicare Administrative ...

CPT Codes For Repair Of Laceration Procedures On The Eyeball - Coding Ahead

CPT Code 65273. CPT 65273 describes the repair of a laceration of the conjunctiva by mobilization and rearrangement with hospitalization. CPT Code 65275. CPT 65275 describes the repair of a laceration to the non-perforating cornea, with or without removing a foreign body. CPT Code 65280.

Complete Guide to Coding - American Academy of Ophthalmology

CPT code 65273 Repair of laceration; con-junctiva, by mobilization and rearrangement, with hospitalization • CPT code 92018 Ophthalmological exami-nation and evaluation, under general anes-thesia, with or without manipulation of globe for passive range of motion or other manipu-lation to facilitate diagnostic examination; complete • 92019 ...

CPT® Code 65273 in section: Repair of laceration - Find-A-Code

65273 - CPT® Code in category: Repair of laceration... CPT Code information is available to subscribers and includes the CPT code number, short description, long description, guidelines and more. CPT code information is copyright by the AMA. Access to this feature is available in the following products:

ASC Coding: Part 4—Site-of-Service Differential

65273 conjunctiva, by mobilization and rearrangement, with hospitalization 65275 cornea, nonperforating, with or without removal of foreign body 65286 application of tissue glue, wounds of cornea and/or sclera. Anterior Segment. 65400 Excision of lesion, cornea (keratectomy, lamellar, partial), except pterygium

CPT Code 65273: What It Is, Modifiers, Reimbursement

CPT code 65273, which pertains to the repair of an eye wound, is generally reimbursable by Medicare. However, the specific amount of reimbursement can vary based on several factors including the geographic location of the service provider, the setting in which the procedure is performed (e.g., hospital outpatient department, ambulatory surgical center, etc.), and the Medicare Administrative ...

Repair of Laceration Procedures on the Eyeball - AAPC

65273 . 65275 . 65280 . 65285 . 65286 . 65290 . On a CPT ® code's hierarchy page, you get to see a medical code's neighbors, including the CPT ® codes' official long descriptors. Seeing related codes helps coders choose the correct code, improving their accuracy rate. ...

CPT Codes - Medical Procedure Codes - 65 Codes - Find-A-Code

65273 in category: Repair of laceration; 65275 in category: Repair of laceration; 65280 in category: Repair of laceration; 65285 in category: Repair of laceration; 65286 in category: Repair of laceration; 65290 in category: Repair of Laceration Procedures on the Eyeball; 65400 in category: Excision Procedures on the Cornea
