EVEREST 8848 M4 Specifications 8848 M4 @EVEREST SmartPhone 6 GB RAM, 128 GB max storage, 3290 mAh battery, 21 MP primary camera, screen LCD 5.15" 720x1280, 3.5mm Jack, released on 9/2017 . Property Value; Device Type : SmartPhone : Hardware Vendor : EVEREST : OEM : EVEREST ...
8848 M4评测:16888订制你的奢侈手机. 智能手机拼到下半场,早已不是堆硬件配置的天下,如何找到并经营好自己的目标人群是手机厂商活下来的关键。Vertu唤醒了大家科技奢侈品的概念,不过过分看中奢侈而忽视科技属性是Vertu失势的主因。
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传承8848手机珠峰棱角设计风格及高端腕表设计理念,m4的外观设计更进一步融入腕表设计元素。将手机两侧电源键及音量键设计为腕表表冠的式样,在表盘背饰中引入计时腕表的三眼腕表设计风格,背饰表圈镶嵌时间刻度图案,表盘底衬纹理采用常见于 百达翡丽 等腕表的经典麦穗纹图案,表盘四周 ...
8848 M4; 8848 M4 full specifications. Specifications > Phone compare. 5.15" FHD, 1920 x 1080 pixels. 21 MP. 5344 x 4016 pixels. 6 GB RAM. 128 GB Internal. Android. 7.0 Nougat. 3290 mAh. Li-Ion. 162 x 74 x 11.6 mm. 210 g. Qualcomm. Snapdragon 820. 8848 M4 Phone. Copy in txt format Copy in html format .
A 3290 mAh battery keeps the lights on. The device is equipped with a 21MP rear camera and a 13MP front-facing shooter. The model has a fingerprint sensor, runs Android 7.0 Nougat and supports All Netcom 4G bands. In terms of materials used, 8848 M4 has three versions. The first one uses titanium and leather and costs CNY 12999 (USD 1963).
8848 M4手机在系统方面基于Android 7.1.2的TianiumOS 2.0系统,整体界面风格深色内敛,拟物化风格图标,使系统更具商务范儿。 8848系统左:加密系统右:正常系统. 当然,对于8848的用户来说,安全自然是最关心的方面。
8848 m4评测:私人订制你的科技奢侈品 虽然距离中产阶级还差王健林的"一个小目标",笔者还是有幸拿到了这款售价16888元的私人订制版红色牛皮M4,从"无产阶级"的角度来看这款富豪专用的手机,虽不足以感同身受,也能为大家购机提供一些参考。
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Luxury handset maker Everest 8848 is essentially known for making expensive phones in the market. Last year this brand introduced a new device in the Titanium series named as Everest 8848 Titanium M3 which is priced at 9999Yuan (approximately Rs. 96146 in India / $1493 in the U.S). Now, the Chinese company has come up […]