With her Dohui Chair, designer Dohui Kim asks the pervasive sociological question: "What if you could 'un-chair' yourself." It's a deconstructive gesture in which we're prompted to consider the shapes of chair-less bodies as the litmus for what a truly congenial chair should be.
Designer: Dohui Kim. At first glance, the Dohui Chair looks like a piece of art installation shaped like a kind of pretzel. But it is a concept for a chair that is based on a sitting position that apparently a lot of people find comfortable. It is a floor chair so usually people who sit there take on different positions, particularly one that ...
Dohui is a chair inspired by human postures of relaxation, designed to provide long-lasting, comfortable relaxation without being overly concerned with fast trends. Resembling oneself, Dohui creates a special sense of connection and offers peace of mind.
Dohui Kim designs the special Dohui chair, which embodies a twisted structure reminiscent of a pretzel. It has an artful look that pushes the creative concept of the seating position, which mimics a common floor chair.
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"I worked with Dohui when she was the Production Coordinator for the film "Dust of War" in September, 2011. As an actor in the film, I reported directly to Dohui, as well as relied on her for ...
6,896 Followers, 750 Following, 62 Posts - 이도희 (@dohui._) on Instagram: "Dohui Lee | دهي Policy & Biomedical Engineering 홂홡홤홗홖홡 혼홢홗홖홨홨홖홙홤홧 홤홛 @hanyang_univ @global_lovehy vlog : @dohuilog"
Dohui Kim on Behance. Upgrade to Behance Pro today: Get advanced analytics, a custom portfolio website, and more features to grow your creative career.
work. In 2018, Dohui was appointed to the South Dakota Arts Council by the Governor of South Dakota where she serves as treasurer. She graduated from Northern State University with degrees in finance and business administration. Dohui lives in Sioux Falls. DONALD F. MONTILEAUX (Oglala Lakota) is a master ledger artist who
45K Followers, 4,721 Following, 56 Posts - +0 (@dohui_diary) on Instagram: " hello@pluszeroplanet.tw 歡迎一切有趣且合理的合作"