



https://www.gatesnotes.com/the-age-of-ai-has-begun https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc7168807/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2022/11/12/artificial-intelli...


It is a story of heroism, but also of grief, devotion, ups and downs, and the futility of life. BETTINA is a movie about the life of an artist whose story, which is also the story of the 20th century, speaks...

5 种其它方式表达‘I’m Sorry for Your Loss’

An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy! 8. Still thou are blest, compared wi' me! The present only toucheth thee: But och! I backward cast my e'e, On ...


2“Grief has no timeline. Take whatever time you need to heal.” 为悲伤设定截止日期只会给悲伤的人带来更大的压力。事实上,人们会按照自己的时间表来处理悲伤。对一些人来说,它可...

疗愈自我·治愈世界 ——犀利空间艺术论坛

grief n. 悲痛,伤心事,不幸,忧伤 8. cease v. 停止,终了 ease ① n. 安逸,安心,不费力,悠闲 ② vt. 使悠闲,使安心,减轻,放松 ③ vi. 减弱,减轻,放松,灵活地移动 lease ① n. 租借,租约,租赁物,租期,延续的一段时间 ②...


诗人Alise Blayney,带着她的诗集 Grief For Hire 来到现场,从心理学的角度对诗歌的疗愈性进行了探讨。2020年澳大利亚诗歌大满贯Mount Druitt heat的冠军Melodie Grafton的诗歌涵盖了她...

#SuzyPFW: Chanel’s Graceful Farewell To Karl

Is it possible not to escape in any form from the ache, the pain of loneliness, the grief, the shock, but remain completely with the event, with this thing called suffering...

1050.经济学人-The missing quarter of a million-1

But apart from widespread grief, especially for Karl’s long-term team, the overall vision was of freshness, fun and the future, presented on another of the outrageously glamorous and incredibly effective sets that Chanel...


The burden these deaths place on the living is not just weighed ingrief. When more people are dying and life expectancy isstagnating, a greater number of people are also li...
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