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番号:nssth-016; 演员:松下纱世; 片长:51分钟(hd版:51分钟) 片商: 发行时间:2019-08-01; 本片演员:松下纱世 ; 类型:单体 剧情 接吻 人妻・主婦 nssth系列

NSSTH-016 Sayo Matsushita Nagae Style HD 2019 SubRip .srt - English ...

Download NSSTH-016 English Subtitles SubRip SRT file format (nssth00016.srt) SubtitleTrans. English. English;

NSSTH-016 松下紗世 ながえスタイル HD 2019年 SubRip .srt

コード nssth-016 は何を意味しますか? ながえスタイル studio が制作するすべてのビデオには、ビデオのシリーズ(NSSTH)とエピソード番号(016)を識別するための一意のコード番号があります。

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PDF Defense Technical Information Center

Defense Technical Information Center

Human trafficking for sex exploitation in Thailand - Academia.edu

Research paper addresses an issue of sex trafficking in the Kingdom of Thailand and analyzes it through external and internal perspectives. Firstly, legal framework of The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in regards to human rights violations and its activities to eliminate the problem in the region are examined.

PDF Human trafficking for sex exploitation in Thailand - Collegium Civitas

Human trafficking for sex exploitation in Thailand are Malaysia and Thailand. Both countries have quickly developing economies and hence high demand for cheap, efficient labor.
