Noricum、Raetia 和 Dacia 军团
The provinces Noricum, Raetia, and Dacia served as a buffer protecting Roman Empire against any possible outside threat. However, the region posed several internal problems for Rome: Pannonia and its ally Dalmatia rebelled against Roman occupancy, causing a three-year war, and Moesia was invaded by the Dacians during the reigns of both Domitian (r. 81-96 CE) and Trajan (r. 98-117 CE).
The Alpine regiments of the Roman army were those auxiliary units of the army that were originally raised in the Alpine provinces of the Roman Empire: Tres Alpes, Raetia and Noricum. All these regions were inhabited by predominantly Celtic-speaking tribes. They were annexed, or at least occupied, by the emperor Augustus' forces during the period 25-14 BC. The term "Alpine" is used ...
Very similar to the Raetia province, Noricum throughout the existence of the Roman Empire was a frontier province in direct contact with the Germanic tribes across the Danube. Several fortifications (limes) guarded both the river crossings and passes through the Alps. Recruited for Marcus Aurelius' war against the Marcommani in the mid 160s AD ...
Noricum、Raetia 和Dacia省作为缓冲区保护罗马帝国免受任何可能的外部威胁。然而,该地区给罗马带来了几个内部问题:潘诺尼亚及其盟友达尔马提亚反抗罗马的占领,引发了一场长达三年的战争,在多米提安(公元 81-96 年在位)和达契亚人统治期间,莫西亚被达契亚人...
The province of Noricum was bordered to the south by Italy, to the east by Pannonia, and to the west by Raetia. The location of the early capital Noreia is still unknown. In Roman times Virunum (now Zollfeld near Maria Saal) was created as capital. ... Noricum was founded as part of the Roman Empire under Emperor Augustus in 15 BC. At first, it ...
Also I was asking especially of the area of Noricum and Raetia, since finding information for that area seems very hard in comparison to pretty much any other part of the former Roman Empire. I gave you +1 for your sources though :) - Matthias Schreiber. Commented Dec 2, 2016 at 7:39.
The provinces Noricum, Raetia, and Dacia served as a buffer protecting Roman Empire against any possible outside threat. However, the region posed several internal problems for Rome: Pannonia and its ally Dalmatia rebelled against Roman occupancy...
四世纪初戴克里先帝国改革过程中将诺里库姆省划分为北方的诺里库姆-里彭斯省(Noricum Ripense)及南方的地中海诺里库姆省(Noricum Mediterraneum) 诺里库姆省的北部边界是多瑙河,从巴塔维斯(今帕骚,位于德奥边界)下游的一个点到文多博纳(今维也纳)上游 ...
驻地大部分都很固定,停留的时间很长久,我们可据以叙述部署的状况:不列颠有三个军团;莱茵河和多瑙河地区有十六个军团,配备的位置是两个在下日耳曼(Lower Germany),三个在上日耳曼(Upper Germany),一个在雷提亚(Rhaetia),一个在诺里库姆(Noricum);有四个在潘诺尼亚(Pannonia),有三个 ...
Legions of Noricum, Raetia & Dacia. The provinces Noricum, Raetia, and Dacia served as a buffer protecting Roman Empire against any possible outside threat. However, the region posed several internal problems for Rome: Pannonia and its ally Dalmatia rebelled against Roman occupancy, causing a three-year war, and Moesia was invaded by the Dacians during the reigns of both Domitian (r. 81-96 CE ...