Pearce et al.(b)判别方法评述
Pearce et al.(b)判别方法评述Pearce et al.(1984b)将花岗岩分为4种基本类型:洋脊花岗岩(ORG)、火山弧花岗岩(VAG)、板内花岗岩(WPG)和碰撞花岗岩(COLG)。Pearce声明,他们的判别图是从玄武岩判别图引伸过
花岗岩与大地构造环境之间的关系是花岗岩研究的热门话题,许多人认为,利用地球化学标志可以判别花岗岩形成的大地构造环境.勿庸置疑,花岗岩构造环境判别方法是仿效玄武岩提出来的.因此,本文从回顾玄武岩构造环境判别开始.详细剖析了Pearce et al.(1984b)和Barbalin(1999)关于花岗岩构造环境判别的研究 ...
In this paper we evaluate the performance of the Pearce et al. tectonic discrimination method, specifically, the most widely-used Rb-(Y + Nb) diagram, using a new data base of over 250 occurrences worldwide, the tectonic settings of which are fairly well known. We conclude that a correlation of geochemistry and tectonic position exists, but ...
该图是Pearce于1981,1982年提出来的(Pearce et al., 1981; Pearce,1982),认为该图主要用以区分岛弧和非岛弧玄武岩。从10005个大陆溢流玄武岩、2637个裂谷玄武岩、9982个板内玄武岩数据投图结果来看,其判别功能也失去了效果。
Open University (Potts et al., 1981; 1984) and the remainder have been carefully checked to ensure comparability with these data. This paper first looks in detail at the tectonic
The most commonly used tectonic discrimination diagrams for granites were introduced by Pearce et al. [Pearce, J.A., Harris, N.B.W., Tindle, A.G., 1984. Trace element discrimination diagrams for the tectonic interpretation of granitic rocks. J. Petrol. 25, 956-983.]. Since then, many studies have shown that some granites defy classification ...
自从六十年代板块构造的概念诞生以来,人们认识到有必要探讨古地理和古构造重建的方法.一段时期以来,很多学者(如Gilluly,1971)认为,岩浆作用与特定的大地构造环境紧密相关,不同的岩浆类型或火山岩系列产在一定的地壳环境,因而出现了许多运用主要或微量元素资料的分类体系或判别图.基于Irvine和 ...
从20世纪七八十年代开始,以Pearce为首的一批学者(Pearce and Cann, 1973 ; Pearce, 1975, 1976, 1982, 1983, 2003 ; Glassley,1974 ; Pearce and Gale, 1977 ; Pearce et al., 1977 ; Galoyan et al., 2007)致力于玄武岩判别图的构建,为板块构造和大陆造山带研究开辟了新的途径,极大地丰富了 ...
Subsequently, there has been a trend towards using ratio diagrams instead of triangular diagrams as they are easier to plot and model. For example, Pearce (1982) used Th/Yb v Ta/Yb and Pearce and Peate (1995) used Th/Yb v Nb/Yb instead of the Wood projection to fingerprint subduction-related basalts, and Fitton et al. (1997) used Zr/Y v Nb/Y instead of the Meschede projection to separate ...
Pearce型构造岩浆地球化学判别图评述—以玄武岩为例-Pearce型构造岩浆地球化学判别图评述—以玄武岩为例 首页 文档 视频 音频 文集 文档