Police wearing helmets and carrying shields. 请问wear和carry为什么要...
Police wearing helmets and carrying shields evicted protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement early on Tuesday from the park in New York City's financial district where they have camped since September. 答:现在分词的一般主动式V-ing 和过去分词P.P 都可以作后置定语。
Carry. take something/someone from one place to another; Examples: Colin is carrying his briefcase. He uses his briefcase to carry important documents. take something with you everywhere you go; Examples: Colin always carries an umbrella in his bag. In some countries, police officers carry guns. I never carry much money on me when I travel.
carry To carry something inplies that you are physically holding it, while to wear means to put on articles of clothing.|You wear a shirt and you carry your bag. You wear makeup. |1.) carry a. to have on one's person = llevar encima Por ejemplo: You need a permit to carry a gun. (Necesitas un permiso para llevar una pistola encima.) b.1. to move = cargar Por ejemplo: Can you help me carry the ...
The first construction is used exclusively when the moment for wearing a helmet is now, and the guy isn't.For example, if a guy on a motorcycle passes you on the highway, without a helmet, you would say, right at that time, "he should be wearing a helmet [right now]".You could also say "he should wear a helmet", but in that case you're recommending he make a habit of helmet use, beyond just ...
carry 的同義字To carry something inplies that you are physically holding it, while to wear means to put on articles of clothing.|You wear a shirt and you carry your bag. You wear makeup. |1.) carry a. to have on one's person = llevar encima Por ejemplo: You need a permit to carry a gun. (Necesitas un permiso para llevar una pistola encima.) b.1. to move = cargar Por ejemplo: Can you help ...
表示"警察"时,有时用 police,有时用 the police,两者有什么区别吗? The police put a barrier across the road. 警察设了路障。 The police made three arrests yesterday. 警察昨天执行了3项逮捕行动。 Police immediately sealed off the streets. 警察立即封锁了街道。
wearWear - clothes or accessories "You cannot wear sunglasses here!" Carry - objects mainly, but you do use it sometimes for clothes. "Only she could carry off that orange dress! It looks great on her" Dress- a) to put one's clothes on. "He showered and dressed very quickly." b) To cover a wound with bandages. "The nurses had just finished dressing his sounds."|ok maybe this ...
他想了解 "wear、put on、dress" 和 "be dressed in" 这几个表示 "穿衣服" 的词组之间的区别。 虽然它们都能表达 "穿" 的意思,但各自的用法却不 ...
沪江英语网是免费英语学习网站,提供词汇精选:wear的用法和辨析、沪江词汇辨析,百度推荐、本期要讲的词汇是wear,沪江词汇精选为大家挑选高频词汇,精讲单词的不同词性、用法、意思,旨在帮助小伙伴了解词汇意思的同时,能够掌握同一个词汇的不同用法,从而灵活运用所学的词汇,最终 ...
High quality example sentences with "wear shields" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English