


RECAP | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

RECAP meaning: 1. to repeat the main points of an explanation or a description: 2. the act of repeating the main…. Learn more.

Recap Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of RECAP is recapitulation. How to use recap in a sentence.

RECAP Synonyms: 76 Similar and Opposite Words - Merriam-Webster

Synonyms for RECAP: summary, outline, summa, rundown, brief, roundup, synopsis, sum-up; Antonyms of RECAP: expansion, amplification, enlargement, supplement, addendum ...

Recap - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com

To recap is to briefly explain something by giving just the main points or details. You might write a popular blog in which you recap episodes of your favorite TV shows.

RECAP definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

To recap briefly, the agreement was rejected 10 days ago. American English: recap / riˈkæp / Brazilian Portuguese: recapitular; Chinese: ...

Recap Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary

RECAP meaning: to give a brief summary of what has been done or said before

Recap - definition of recap by The Free Dictionary

Define recap. recap synonyms, recap pronunciation, recap translation, English dictionary definition of recap. tr.v. re·capped , re·cap·ping , re·caps 1. To replace a cap or caplike covering on: recapped the bottle.

RECAP | definition in the Cambridge Learner's Dictionary

recap meaning: to repeat the most important parts of what you have just said. Learn more.

RECAP Definition & Meaning - Dictionary.com

Recap definition: . See examples of RECAP used in a sentence.

Meaning of recap - Learner's Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary

RECAP definition: to repeat the most important parts of what you have just said. Learn more.
