SSgt. Sagar Khadka, and electrical engineer with Task Force 99, uses a rangefinder during a TF99 technology demo at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, November 18, 2022. TF99 become an official Air Force organization Oct 13, 2022 and is Ninth Air Force's (Air Forces Central) contribution to U.S. Central Command's intent of building a Culture of ...
AL UDEID AIR BASE, Qatar (AFNS) -- Less than two months following the establishment of Task Force 99, Lt. Gen. Alexus G. Grynkewich, Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) commander, visited the team at their new location for a peek behind the curtain of the command's innovation powerhouse Dec. 1. The new unit is the cornerstone of AFCENT's approach to U.S. Central Command's intent of ...
This category is for members of Task Force 99. Battle of Jakku; Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy
New Task Force 99 commander. Lt. Gen. Alexus G. Grynkewich, 9th Air Force (Air Forces Central) commander, left, presides over a change-of-command ceremony in which Col. Robert G. Smoker succeeds Lt. Col. Erin K. Brilla as Task Force 99 commander during a ceremony at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, Feb. 23, 2023.
Task Force 99 rush out into battle. Task Force 99, which shared its name with Clone Force 99—a Republic Special Operations Brigade unit of four and later five genetically defective clones — was a highly independent squad of Imperial troopers of the Stormtrooper Corps.It consisted of six operatives, Aero, Cav, Mic, Misty, Shrap, and Zuke, each specializing in a different area of operations.
Task Force-99 leads change in drone development, employment. The Chief Technology Officer of Titan Dynamics and Fellow with the U.S. Air Force's Blue Horizons program put the final touches to a new unmanned aerial system developed by U.S. Air Forces Central's Task Force-99 at an undisclosed location with the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility, March 15, 2024.
A Qatar-based Air Force innovation team is experimenting with uncrewed aircraft, leading the Pentagon's larger shift to autonomous systems.
"I want you to identify and break down barriers and unleash your members' potential," Lt. Gen. Alexus G. Grynkewich, AFCENT commander, said at the change of command ceremony Feb. 23 at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C. "Let your team run until apprehended. We're excited to see how you carry Task Force 99's momentum into the future."
A senior DOD official reveals that a Task Force 99 drone was used to conduct ISR against a U.S. adversary in the Middle East and was very effective. The task force has a wide variety of drones and payloads, including some that are 3D printed.
The Air Force started Task Force 99 last fall with the goal of field-testing unmanned systems and artificial intelligence technologies in the Middle East.. The unit has 15 airmen and a fleet of ...