WOW求助更新问题“The source data for a patch file could not be lo...
Unable to update World of Warcraft with Battle.net. Can't patch ... Loading
Reset the permissions on your WoW folder: 1. Select the World of WarCraft folder 2. Press Command + I 3. In the World of WarCraft Info box, go to the Sharing & Permissions section 4. Click on the lock and unlock it, entering your admin password when prompted. 5. make sure you have Read & Write permissions 6.
The source data for a patch file could not be located. (Patch: "base\world\maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_16_29.adt". Output: "world\maps\Expansion01\Expansion01_16_29.adt".) (CopyPatchConverter::Repack) ... Do I have to install it in the same folder my WoW is? Post by MasterOfDisguise The Beta Tech Support Forum would probably be the most ...
So I have been trying ever since 3.1 went live to patch my downloaded version of 3.1 (which was from the blizzard background downloader). Yet all I have gotten was a message like this one: The source data for a patch file could not be located. (Patch: "enUS\Interface\GLUES\LoadingScreens\LoadScreenUlduarRaid.blp".
Hi I am currently having a issue with World of warcraft. First I could not update the game so I contacted support and browsed the forums for any assistance. I have tried all the fixes that I could find ( Fresh battle.net install, delete battle.net program data file, run as admin, run in beta mode, run in safe mode, add exception to antivirus and firewall, use a different ISP to download game ...
我从17173下载了9个压缩包,解压后进行更新,更新WoW-3..3.9183-to-3..8.9464的时候每次到90%左右都失败,提示是Thesourcedata... 我从17173下载了9个压缩包,解压后进行更新,更新WoW-3..3.9183-to-3..8.9464的时候每次到90%左右都失败,提示是 The source data for a patch file could not be located.
魔兽世界3.13补丁错误可能是你插件装太多了吧?插件会引起冲突的.打开:World of Warcraft\Interface\ 把里面的东西都删掉;打开:World of Warcraft\ 把WTF文件夹删除;把下载好的373M的补丁放到World of Wa ... The source data for a patch file could not be located. (Patch: "base\Character\BLOODELF\FEMALE ...
The source data for a patch file could not be located. (Patch: "enCN\DBFilesClient\Achievement.dbc". Output: "DBFilesClient\Achievement.dbc".) (CopyPatchConverter::Repack) 将data/enCN目录改名,然后运行升级补丁,即可升级完成。 再将改名目录改回data/enCN 测试有效!
The source data for a patch file could not be located. (Patch: "enCN\DBFilesClient\Achievement.dbc". Output: "DBFilesClient\Achievement.dbc".) (CopyPatchConverter::Repack) 将data/enCN目录改名,然后运行升级补丁,即可升级完成。 再将改名目录改回data/enCN
Yes, I have made sure that. People on reddit saying Mac and Windows client files are not interchangeable. But I have both World of Warcraft.app and World of Warcraft.exe. I can run the game by double clicking the .exe file. Now I am stuck in 8.2.5.