
all me


《生命-可能的艺术》节目——ITA航空 “巴乔号”飞机上的访谈

- Don't ask me about physics. It's all greek to me!(别问我物理的事情,我完全不懂!) 可以看出,it's all greek to me这个短语通常用于表达对某种表达方式或内容的不理解或困惑。 在...

仇人见面分外眼红 守望先锋安娜对白整理

Me ne dice uno? Vorrei vedere questo Paese come era una volta: invidiato da tutti. La speranza c'è sempre, non ci manca niente. Manca solo un po' di onestà. E invece il d...


Soldier 76: Well, all that stuff they pumped in me has to be good for something. 【守望先锋攻略】也是,他们给我打的那些东西还是多少能管用的相关推荐:守望先锋浅谈卢西奥十大必知常识 想要玩得好|死神|源氏|小美 ...

flower是花,tea是茶,flower tea千万别翻译是“花茶”!

22.Let me show you something that would blow your mind. 给您看点厉害的。 23.Are there any features you don't see here that you would be interested in? 您还有哪些感兴趣的功...


Come on, give me the tea! 拜托,聊点八卦好吧! 如果你想知道最近有什么八卦或者想吃瓜,就可以说: 例句 Girls, what’s the tea today? 女孩们,今天有什么八卦吗? not for all the tea ...


44. All the evidence pointed to the conclusion ___ he was guilty. A. which B. that C. as D. so 45. ___ she likes the present is not clear to me. A. If B. What C. Which D. Whether III. 挑错Identific...


这部剧集改编自华裔美国作家杨谨伦的同名人气漫画,集合杨紫琼、刘玉玲、吴彦祖、关继威等一众演员。而上个颁奖季席卷全球的《瞬息全宇宙(Everything Everywhere All At Once)》是去年西...

炸了!PG One回归!居然直接提到那个男人!还致敬了杨和苏GALI!

14) What impresses me most is that … 使我印象最深刻的是… 15) It is not A but B that really counts. 不是A而是B才是真正重要的 16) It is A rather than B that make a differen...


“NOTHING CAN STOP ME,I'M ALL WAY UP” 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 歌曲发出后,迅速登上了微博排行榜第一名。 尽管很多平台他依然无法上架,但他的流量还是肉眼可见的离谱。 打开网易...
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