ADPAAS is a web-based tool for the Army to account for and assess personnel affected by a catastrophic event. Log in with your PIV/CAC or limited access to report your status, update your contact, complete a needs assessment, and view reference information.
AFPAAS is a system for the Air Force to account, assess, manage, and monitor personnel and families affected by a catastrophic event. Log in with your PIV/CAC or limited access to report your status, update your location, complete needs assessment, and view reference information.
HQDA, G-34, Emergency Management Branch, 600 Pentagon, Washington, DC 20310-0600. 703-692-2803. usarmy.pentagon.hqda-dcs-g-3-5-7.list.ready-army@army.mil
A-PASS is a program for commercial vehicles that allows seamless crossing at the Ambassador Bridge by electronic toll collection. Learn how to sign up, register, pay, and contact the bridge for more information.
What is it? The Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPASS) is the Army's way of accounting for personnel and families members after catastrophes.
APACS is a system for USG-authorized users to access clearance information for aircraft and personnel. By using APACS, you consent to monitoring, interception, and search of your communications and data by the USG.
A*SEEDER, a subsidiary of ASDAN China Limited based in Hong Kong, stands as a leading international education brand. Our strategic partnerships extend to prestigious academic institutions, professional scientific associations, and renowned universities across the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and the European Union.
APAS is a tool that helps you plan and track your undergraduate degree requirements at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Learn how to access, interpret, and use APAS reports to graduate on time.
APASS is a grant-funded project to provide precise, reliable standardized photometry for stars from 7th to 17th magnitude. Data release 10 is now available, covering about four million stars in several hundred fields.
APASS is a student service that promotes AAPI identity, culture and leadership at the University of Southern California. It offers events, workshops, resources and partnerships for the APIDA community and beyond.