The meaning of APIECE is for each one : individually. How to use apiece in a sentence.
Apiece is an adverb that means each or every. It is used to indicate the number of something that is sold, given, or valued. See how to use apiece in sentences and learn its pronunciation and translations.
Apiece is an adverb that means each or every. It is used after a noun to indicate the number of something. Learn how to use apiece in different contexts and languages with Cambridge Dictionary.
The adverb apiece means "for each" or "to each." If your grandmother gives you and your cousins ten dollars apiece, she hands each of you a ten dollar bill.
Learn the meaning and usage of the adverb 'apiece', which means for, to, or from each one. See synonyms, pronunciation, examples, and translations of 'apiece' in different languages.
Apiece is an adverb that means to or for each one of two or more. Learn how to use it in sentences, see synonyms, translations and related words.
Learn the meaning and usage of the word "apiece" in English, with synonyms, pronunciation, grammar tips, and sentences. Find out how to use "apiece" with numbers, prices, and verbs.
apiece is an adverb that means having, costing, or measuring a particular amount each. Learn how to use it with examples, pronunciation, and synonyms.
apiece is an adverb meaning for each piece, thing, or person; for each one; each. Learn how to use it in sentences, its history and origin, and its synonyms and antonyms.
Apiece is an adverb that means each. It is used to indicate that something is sold or given in units. See examples, pronunciation and translations of apiece in different languages.