


Apios americana - Wikipedia

Apios americana is a perennial vine that bears edible beans and tubers. It is native to North America and has been cultivated by indigenous peoples and domesticated by researchers.

Apios - Wikipedia

Apios is a genus of seven species of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae, with edible tuberous roots. It is native to eastern North America and eastern and southeastern Asia, and has the name "pear" in Greek.

Apios Americana: Rare Vining Tubers For Your Garden - Epic Gardening

Learn about Apios americana, a native plant that produces edible tubers and flowers. Find out how to grow, harvest, and cook this potato bean, also known as hopniss, American groundnut, or Indian potato.

Apios americana - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox

Apios americana var. turrigera; Glycine apios; Phonetic Spelling AY-pee-os a-mer-ih-KAY-na Description. Common Groundnut is a native perennial vine in the legume family and is found in tidal and non-tidal marshes, wet thickets, stream banks and bottomland forests. It has edible fruits and large edible tubers that provide numerous health benefits.

Groundnut (Apios americana) - The Cultivariable Growing Guide

Learn how to grow groundnut, a native American root crop with edible tubers and beans. Find out about its history, nutrition, cultivation, propagation, and problems.

How to Grow, Harvest and Eat American Groundnuts - gardenmyths.com

American groundnut (Apios americana) is a legume that produces edible tubers along its root system. Learn how to grow, harvest and eat this wild plant that has a long history with Indigenous communities and early settlers.

Foraging Hopniss or American Groundnuts (Apios americana)

Hopniss (Apios americana) is a traditional wild food source, producing both edible tubers and seeds. Sometimes called "Indian Potato" or "American Groundnut," the chains of starchy tubers can be peeled and boiled for a calorie-rich meal. Hopniss is a wild edible tuber that's a bit like a perennial vining potato.

Apios americana (American Groundnut) - Gardenia

Apios americana is a perennial climber with scented flowers, edible fruits and tubers. Learn about its cultivation, benefits and uses as a food crop and ornamental plant.

Growing American Groundnuts: How to Cultivate Apios Americana

Apios americana is indigenous to North America and is a staple of Native people in the region where it grows. The tubers, shoots, and beans are all edible. As European settlers arrived, they were introduced to the plant by native people and began growing it. It's credited as one of the foods that helped settlers survive those first few ...

Apios Americana - Only Foods

Apios Americana is a wild plant and is a great future food source. It is also termed as Hopniss and it serve as an imperative food crop. This tropical vine is known for its pear shaped edible tubers. The tubers taste sweet. Hopniss grows 10 m in length along with flowers that bloom from July to October. The edible tubers look like that of a ...
