
areas of expertise怎么填


FF晋升贾跃亭为Section 16 officer和执行官 并向董事会汇报

Applications are invited for a 3.5-year (42 month) PhD studentship entitled “The Al=Al double bond: synthesis and reactivity of dialumenes” based in the Cowley group supe...


today announced that after an assessment by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of FF regarding the Company’s management organizational structure, the Board has approved


79. The trend was naturally most obvious in those areas of science based especially on a mathematical or laboratory training, and can be illustrated in terms of the development of geology in the United kingdom. [参考译...

博士申请 | 海外全奖博士招生信息盘点:新加坡国立、ETH、英国利兹...

招聘要求:Master/Bachelor in Computer Science and Technology/Data Science/Statistics; Candidates should be trained within the general areas of computer science or closely related areas. Those with expertise in the following areas...
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