



4、韶音AS803开放式耳机 这款韶音OpenRun采用了封闭式一体化的机身设计,其防水等级也顺势达到了IPX7级,可以在大部分的场景下佩戴,29g的轻量化机身重量,搭配上表层拥有着手感丝滑,贴肤舒...

主动脉瓣反流器械治疗进展,你了解多少?|CCIF 2023

表达观点:in my opinion, from my perspective, as far as I am concerned, personally speaking, it seems to me that, in my view, I believe that, I think that, I am convinced t...




as as中间加名词的遵循:as+adj.+n.+as 的结构。第一个as修饰的是后面紧跟着的形容词,而名词又是恰巧被形容词修饰了而已。1、as...as...”在英语中用法较多,其结构较为常见的是“as+...

As dialed in as anyone? 专心致志

初高中英语,as的六种用法 在英语中As是一个高频词,它看似简单但是词性多,用法广,知识点比较分散,真正地学懂学透,需要对它的用法加以梳理归纳。现将其六种常考的用法归纳如下:1...

China's economy firmly on recovery track as market...

Please explain “dialed in”, as in this sentence: The commentator said: “He runs the floor and is as dialed in as anyone.”My comments:The player the commentator talks ab...

Record US gun violence unmasks gun control legislation as...

As the impact of COVID-19 subsided significantly, economic stabilization policies were deployed in advance, China's economy continued to recover in the first quarter, and m...

华硕、积核联合发布AS 6迷你主机,最高配置6900HX芯片

Record US gun violence unmasks gun control legislation as‘bipartisan fraud’US turns into a "war zone" of gun violence. Cartoon: Vitaly Podvitski The US is now stuck in a ...


近期,两个品牌合作推出了一款型号为GEEKOM AS 6的高性能迷你主机,它搭载了AMD锐龙6000系处理器,最高可选AMD 6900HX。从目前放出的渲染图来看,GEEKOM AS 6和华硕旗下的ExpertCenter ...
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