SleepSleep can be a verb or noun, but asleep is an adjective. To sleep (verb) means to rest unconsciously; "I didn't sleep well last night" "Sleep" as a noun means the act itself of sleeping; "I don't get enough sleep" "Asleep" describes a state of being; "My cat is asleep" Also note that "sleeping" and "asleep" are basically interchangeable, but it's more common to put "sleeping" in front of ...
sleep 涉及到進入睡眠狀態的動作或狀態,可以做為動詞或名詞使用,而 asleep 是一個形容詞,用來描述已經處於睡眠狀態的人或物。 看到這裡,希望你已經了解 sleep 和 asleep 這兩個關於睡覺、睡眠的英文單字用法,如果你喜歡我們分享的英語學習內容,歡迎追蹤 ...
sleep是动词(去睡)sleepy和asleep都是形容词 但sleepy是想睡,快要睡的。一般在动词前面加a说明在这个状况中(例子:ablame:燃烧的,在燃烧中的),asleep就是已经睡了的意思。 示例: I have fell asleep.我睡着了. I was sleeping.我正在睡觉 . I am sleepy.我好困. 资料拓展:
Asleep 也是 形容詞 ,但跟 sleepy 不太一樣,它的意思是「睡著的」,英英字典的解釋則是:sleeping or not awake(睡著的或沒醒的)。 另外,這個字有個很常見的慣用法叫 fall asleep ,字面意思是「掉入睡著的狀態」,也就是「 睡著、進入夢鄉 」的意思囉。
As an adverb it is usually used with the verb "to fall".|"I'm going to sleep" vs " I am asleep"的同义词 英语 (美国) 法语 (法国) 德语 意大利语 日语 韩语 波兰语 葡萄牙语 (巴西) 葡萄牙语 (葡萄牙) 俄语 中文 (简体) 西班牙语 (墨西哥) 中文 (繁体,台湾) 土耳其语 越南语
Sleep While the word "sleep" refers to the act of going to sleep, the word "asleep" refers to the state of already being in a state of sleep. ... The word "sleep" is used as a noun or a verb in a sentence while the word "asleep" is used as an adverb or an adjective in a sentence.的同义词
Sleep的同義字Sleep can be a verb or noun, but asleep is an adjective. To sleep (verb) means to rest unconsciously; "I didn't sleep well last night" "Sleep" as a noun means the act itself of sleeping; "I don't get enough sleep" "Asleep" describes a state of being; "My cat is asleep" Also note that "sleeping" and "asleep" are basically interchangeable, but it's more common to put "sleeping ...
The baby fell asleep; and I feel sleepy.孩子睡着了,我也犯困了。 2)asleep, sleepy和sleeping都可用作定语,这时的意思也不相同。asleep表示"睡着的",sleepy表示"贪睡的",而sleeping除表示"睡着的"外,还可表示与睡眠有关的东西。 二、 sleep. 1、用法: n. (名词)
sleep和asleep的区别:两者词性、含义和侧重点不同。在词性上,sleep的词性是名词和动词,asleep的词性是形容词和副词。在含义上,sleep的意思是"睡觉;入睡",asleep的意思是"睡着的;睡着"。在侧重点上,sleepy侧重指人昏昏欲睡,asleep侧重表示"睡着"这一 ...
Asleep的同義字 Asleep refers to when someone is currently sleeping. Sleepy means exhausted or tired. So if I said "John is asleep," it means he is sleeping. If I say "John is sleepy," it means he is awake but wants to go to sleep.