away of
Away and away from - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary
away from vs away of The correct phrase is 'away from.' 'Away from' is a commonly used prepositional phrase in English, indicating movement or distance from a specific point or location. 'Away of' is not a standard English construction and is considered incorrect.
AWAY FROM is contained in 9 matches in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with away from.
go away from my house - Move from being close to "my house" to being further from your house - Note: The prefix "a" means "to", and "way" means "path" of some type. So this means "move on a path that takes you further from my house". I opened my car and got out. - I was in my car and then I was not not in my car.
Which is the correct one? He can't stand being away of his phone . OR He can't stand being away from his phone. Thanks!!!!
If something is away from a person or place, it is at a distance from that person or place..... Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.
The main word, Away From, is used to express the direction in which someone or something is moving or facing, emphasizing the distance between the subject and a particular point or object. When constructing a sentence with Away From, it is essential to place the phrase after the verb to indicate the movement or action of going in the opposite direction.
AWAY--FROM is contained in 9 matches in Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Learn definitions, uses, and phrases with away--from.
The two-word preposition away from is basically the same as from, but puts a stronger emphasis on leaving the starting point. _____ From is also used with certain "non-movement verbs" in two very common phrases--be from and comefrom.These two phrases are generally used to show
AWAY definition: 1. somewhere else, or to or in a different place, position, or situation: 2. at a distance (of or…. Learn more.