Learn the rules and exceptions for using awhile and a while in English grammar. Awhile is an adverb meaning "for a while"; a while is a noun meaning "a period of time".
Learn the difference between a while and awhile, two expressions of time that can be used interchangeably or with different meanings. A while is a noun phrase, while awhile is an adverb, and both can follow a preposition or stand alone.
Learn how to use a while and awhile correctly in your writing. A while is a noun phrase meaning "some amount of time", while awhile is an adverb meaning "for some length of time".
Awhile is an adverb that means for a short time. Learn how to use it correctly, see examples, and compare it with a while.
Learn how to distinguish between awhile and a while, two words that sound the same but have different meanings and functions. Awhile is an adverb meaning "for a period of time," while a while is a noun phrase meaning "a period of time."
Learn how to use awhile (one word) as an adverb and a while (two words) as a noun phrase. See the meaning, origin and usage of these common expressions with examples and synonyms.
Learn how to use awhile and a while correctly in different contexts and sentences. Awhile is an adverb meaning "for a time", while a while is a noun phrase meaning "a period of time".
Learn how to use awhile and a while correctly in your writing. Awhile is an adverb meaning for a period of time, while a while is a noun phrase that can also be an adverb.
Learn the difference between a while and awhile, two words that share the same spelling but not the same meaning or function. A while is a noun phrase meaning a period of time, while awhile is an adverb meaning for a short time.
Learn how to use awhile (one word) as an adverb and a while (two words) as a noun phrase correctly. Test your knowledge with a quiz and see examples of common mistakes and correct usage.