be granted
The meaning of GRANT is to consent to carry out for a person : allow fulfillment of. How to use grant in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Grant.
GRANTED definition: 1. used to admit that something is true, before saying something else about it: 2. used to admit…. Learn more.
GRANT definition: 1. an amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special…. Learn more.
Learn the meaning, pronunciation, and examples of the word granted, as well as its synonyms and related words. Find out how to use granted as a verb, a noun, or a conjunction in different contexts and languages.
If something is taken for granted, it's a given. You can count on it. In fact, you are already counting on it. Most Americans take for granted the right to vote.
2 meanings: 1. → See granted (that) … 2. admittedly.... Click for more definitions.
1 [often passive] to agree to give someone what they ask for, especially formal or legal permission to do something grant something My request was granted. grant somebody something I was granted permission to visit the palace. She was granted a divorce. He was granted a license to hunt in the area. The bank finally granted me a $500 loan. grant something to somebody/something The bank finally ...
Hello! :) Do we ever need to use "with" with "granted", e.g.: All graduates must be granted (with) a graduation document. Thanks!
High quality example sentences with "be granted with" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig: your English writing platform
Find 16 different ways to say BE GRANTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.