brown shark是鲨鱼的一个种类么,学名叫什么?
The sandbar shark (Carcharhinus plumbeus), also known as the brown shark or thickskin shark, is a species of requiem shark, and part of the family Carcharhinidae, native to the Atlantic Ocean and the Indo-Pacific.It is distinguishable by its very high first dorsal fin and interdorsal ridge. [2] It is not to be confused with the similarly named sand tiger shark, or Carcharias taurus.
brown shark是鲨鱼的一个种类么,学名叫什么?brown shark n.灰大鳃鲨 世界上约有380种鲨鱼,共分八目三十科,约有27种会攻击人类,12种可能会攻击人类,还有12种因为体型和习性的关系,可能具有危险性,出现於台湾
Description & Behavior. Sandbar sharks, Carcharhinus plumbeus (Nardo, 1827), aka brown shark, queriman sharks, sandbar sharks, sharks, and thickskin sharks, are moderately large sharks that measure up to 2.5 m in length, 2 m on average, and weigh a maximum of 118 kg. Sandbar sharks can weigh anywhere between 45-90 kg as adults.The average is 50 kg for males and 68 kg for females.
The sandbar shark, also known as the brown shark, is the most common shark species along the mid-Atlantic coast and is commonly found over muddy or sandy bottoms in shallow coastal waters such as bays, estuaries, harbors, or the mouths of rivers. As one of the largest coastal sharks in the world, its most distinguishing characteristic is a ...
The Sandbar Shark ( Carcharinus plurnbeus) - also commonly known as the Brown Shark - is a small-to-medium-sized shark found in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. It is a heavy-bodied shark with a large dorsal fin, the vertical height of which exceeds 10 percent of its total body length. Its coloration is dark gray to brown above ...
Brown shark. Identification. A relatively heavy fish, it has a dark bluish-gray or brownish-gray color and a pale or white belly. There is a distinct ridge between the first and second dorsal fins on the back, and the first fin is large and pointed, beginning above the middle of the pectoral fin. The snout is shorter than the width of the mouth ...
Brown shark synonyms, Brown shark pronunciation, Brown shark translation, English dictionary definition of Brown shark. Noun 1. sandbar shark - widely distributed shallow-water shark with fins seemingly dipped in ink blacktip shark, Carcharhinus limbatus requiem shark - any...
鲨鱼是鲨总目( 學名: Selachimorpha )动物的通称,属于軟骨魚纲中的板鳃亚纲,至今已經演化出約500個不同的種,划分为現存9目(由於分类学家的意见不一致):最小的鯊魚為 侏儒鯊 ( 英语 : dwarf lanternshark ) (Etmopterus perryi),僅有17厘米(6.7英寸)長;最大的鯊魚則為鯨鯊(Rhincodon typus ...
鲨鱼是鲨总目( 学名: Selachimorpha )动物的通称,属于软骨鱼纲中的板鳃亚纲,至今已经演化出约500个不同的种,划分为现存9目(由于分类学家的意见不一致):最小的鲨鱼为 侏儒鲨 ( 英语 : dwarf lanternshark ) (Etmopterus perryi),仅有17厘米(6.7英寸)长;最大的鲨鱼则为鲸鲨(Rhincodon typus ...