


Bucket: Definition and Examples in Business and Finance - Investopedia

What Is a Bucket? The term "bucket" is used in business and finance to describe a grouping of related assets or categories. Buckets can contain investment assets that present a degree of risk ...

Bucket - Definition, What is Bucket, Advantages of Bucket ... - ClearTax

Introduction. A bucket is a casual term used in business and finance to describe the grouping of related assets into several different categories. The categories can include high-risk securities, such as equity shares, or lower risk securities, such as short-term fixed-income bonds.. On the time-front, a bucket can consist of short-term funds that are easy to liquidate, medium-term funds that ...

bucket在财务方面的意思是什么? - 百度知道

2013-09-28 bucket是什么意思? 40 2016-04-29 数据库中bucket是什么意思 6 2007-09-04 财务里面reclass是什么意思? 4 2013-09-19 BUCKET的中文意思是什么? 2 2014-09-12 财务风控是什么意思? 1 2017-12-12 关于财务方面,什么是payroll 2017-12-01 财务方面"组资"是什么意思?

Bucket (Finance) - Explained - The Business Professor, LLC

The bucket approach shifts an investor away from having only one investment portfolio. About Bucket Approach. The bucket approach strategy for investing was created by a Nobel Laureate winner known as James Tobin. It involves the allocation of stocks between a risky bucket that produces returns and a safe bucket that meets safety or liquidity ...

Financial Buckets: Definition, Strategies, and Examples

Short-term bucket: This bucket contains liquid assets and emergency funds that can cover immediate expenses and unforeseen financial needs. Cash reserves, savings accounts, and short-term investments typically populate this bucket. Medium-term bucket: Assets in this bucket are earmarked for medium-term goals such as buying a home, funding education, or taking a vacation.

对象存储 Bucket - 简书

Bucket默认提供三种访问权限:私有读写、公有读私有写和公有读写。其访问权限可通过对象存储控制台上Bucket的权限管理进行修改。 私有读写. 只有 Bucket 的创建者或者被授权的账号才对该 Bucket 中的 Object 有读写权限,其他人对该 Bucket 中的 Object 都没有读写权限。

BUCKET中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary


存储桶(Bucket)是什么? - 知乎专栏

背景介绍存储桶是对象存储系统中的一个核心概念,起源于Amazon S3(Simple Storage Service)并被其他对象存储解决方案(如MinIO、Google Cloud Storage等)广泛采用。在传统的文件系统中,我们通常使用目录和子目…

金融词汇学习:bucket shop和leg 脚 - 新浪博客

词汇1:Bucket Shop(有译为"非法经纪"公司,有人叫"投机商号"。 直译"圆桶公司"(把单子放桶里,不去理他)。 我曾在文章中将其翻译为"对 ...

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