


Buey | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDictionary.com

Buey can mean ox, edible crab, or brown crab in English. Learn how to use buey in different contexts and regions with examples, phrases, and pronunciations.

BUEY | translation Spanish to English: Cambridge Dictionary

Buey is a Spanish word for a castrated bull or ox, used to pull carts or ploughs. Learn how to say buey in English and see examples of its usage in different contexts.

Buey - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

El buey es el macho bovino , dedicado al engorde y sacrificio o a tareas de tracción, especialmente faenas agrícolas y el transporte de cargas. Para que un macho bovino se transforme en buey, se requiere de su castración después de la maduración sexual.

English translation of 'el buey' - Collins Online Dictionary

English Translation of "BUEY" | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. TRANSLATOR

BUEY - Translation in English - bab.la

Learn how to say buey in English and see different meanings and contexts. Buey can be a noun for ox, steer, idiot, or muskox, depending on the language and region.

buey translation in English | Spanish-English dictionary - Reverso

Learn the meaning and usage of the word buey in Spanish and English, with examples, synonyms, and idioms. Buey can refer to an ox, a crab, a manatee, a free agent, or a bachelor, among other things.

What does buey mean in Spanish? - WordHippo

buey is a Spanish word that means ox or steer. It can also be used to refer to beef, oxtail soup, or musk ox. See examples, synonyms, and related words for buey.

buey - Wiktionary, the free dictionary

buey m (plural bueyes) ox , bullock , steer ( Mexico , colloquial slang ) guy , dumb , dude (depends on context and intonation, also denotes surprise, colloquially pronounced güey )

buey - English translation - Linguee

Many translated example sentences containing "buey" - English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.

Buey vs. Güey | Compare Spanish Words - SpanishDictionary.com

"Buey" is a noun which is often translated as "ox", and "güey" is a noun which is often translated as "dude". Learn more about the difference between "buey" and "güey" below. el buey (bwehee) A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g., el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo).
