Buey can mean ox, edible crab, or brown crab in English. Learn how to use buey in different contexts and regions with examples, phrases, and pronunciations.
Buey is a Spanish word for a castrated bull or ox, used to pull carts or ploughs. Learn how to say buey in English and see examples of its usage in different contexts.
El buey es el macho bovino , dedicado al engorde y sacrificio o a tareas de tracción, especialmente faenas agrícolas y el transporte de cargas. Para que un macho bovino se transforme en buey, se requiere de su castración después de la maduración sexual.
English Translation of "BUEY" | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. TRANSLATOR
Learn how to say buey in English and see different meanings and contexts. Buey can be a noun for ox, steer, idiot, or muskox, depending on the language and region.
Learn the meaning and usage of the word buey in Spanish and English, with examples, synonyms, and idioms. Buey can refer to an ox, a crab, a manatee, a free agent, or a bachelor, among other things.
buey is a Spanish word that means ox or steer. It can also be used to refer to beef, oxtail soup, or musk ox. See examples, synonyms, and related words for buey.
buey m (plural bueyes) ox , bullock , steer ( Mexico , colloquial slang ) guy , dumb , dude (depends on context and intonation, also denotes surprise, colloquially pronounced güey )
Many translated example sentences containing "buey" - English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations.
"Buey" is a noun which is often translated as "ox", and "güey" is a noun which is often translated as "dude". Learn more about the difference between "buey" and "güey" below. el buey (bwehee) A masculine noun is used with masculine articles and adjectives (e.g., el hombre guapo, el sol amarillo).