Best Builds from the Best Data. Riot-approved U.GG provides the best League of Legends builds, LoL runes, Probuilds, Tier List, Counters, and more.
LoL Champion Builds and Tier Lists for the latest patch. Discover the best LoL champion builds and guides using our tier list, based on the world's largest collection of LoL game data.
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All League of Legends champions, builds and stats at your fingertips. There are 169 champions in LoL and it's been 67 day(s) since the last new champion was released. Any Difficulty. Show only Free rotation. Aatrox. the Darkin Blade. Hard. Ahri. the Nine-Tailed Fox. Average. Akali. the Rogue Assassin. Hard. Akshan. the Rogue Sentinel. Average ...
ProBuilds provides League of Legends pro champion statistics, guides, builds, runes, masteries, skill orders and counters by role - including Win Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate and much more!
Create, share and discuss strategy builds for the multi-player online battle arena, League of Legends. Fans can create team strategies, single strategies, vs strategies or theories including champion guides and rune builds. Start sharing your favorite League of Legends strategy now!
Zilean build with the highest winrate runes and items in every role. U.GG analyzes millions of LoL matches to give you the best LoL champion build. Patch 14.24
The Bazaar Builds Dive into The Bazaar builds for every playable hero: Dooley, Pygmalien, and Vanessa. Each build covers winning board examples, key combos and synergies, along with the supportive items that can help you achieve its win condition.
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S14 Viego Mid Builds (CRIT, LETHALITY, AP, AND MORE) By TheRealYashas Views: 1K [14.24] For the few Yorick fans [ The way I play Yorick ] By quenzo Views: 897. Get Stats for All Champions. League of Legends Champions: