Byroad is a noun that means a byway, or a minor road or path. Learn the word history, synonyms, and usage examples of byroad from Merriam-Webster dictionary.
a side road little traveled (as in the countryside)
BY-ROAD meaning: 1. a small road that not many cars or people travel on: 2. a small road that not many cars or…. Learn more.
Byroad is a secondary or side road, often in the countryside. Find out the pronunciation, translation and related words for byroad in this online dictionary.
A byroad is a minor road, usually not the main route between two places. Learn how to pronounce, use and distinguish it from other words with similar meanings.
Byroad is a noun that means a secondary or side road, not a main road. Learn how to pronounce, use and conjugate byroad in British and American English with examples and synonyms.
byroad (plural byroads) A road less frequented than a highway; a byway. Translations [edit] a road less frequented than a highway. Finnish: sivutie; Hungarian: mellékút ...
Byroad definition: . See examples of BYROAD used in a sentence.
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A byroad is a road that is not a main road. Learn the origin, synonyms and word forms of byroad from YourDictionary, a free online dictionary.